Friday, August 16, 2024

Bambi Places a Curse?

Atlanta rapper Lil Scappy's ex wife, Bambi, raises eyebrows after posting a curious ritual on social media...


Anonymous said...

Oh my, witchcraft is being televised now.

Anonymous said...

That ish don't work, it just bounce off true believers in The Messiah.

Anonymous said...

3:13 you are so right and make me don't wanna watch her no more. I don't that much anyways

Jcee said...

Scrappy pass around peem can't be that good! Girl go stfd please

Anonymous said...

Now when she gets stuck and wonders why, refer back to this video. Everyone I've ever met who dabbled in witchcraft always ended up suffering something horrible in their life more than most people.

Anonymous said...

"Well then understand this: whatever you send out there, you get back times three" - Lirio, "The Craft"

R in NYC said...

What a dumb bird.

Anonymous said...

Silly thing doesn't know that you never film yourself doing curses or rituals. If you want them to be powerful. Her and her gums need a lesson.

Anonymous said...

She must know Neto, maybe Kehlani or Erykah Badu introduced him to her.

Santeria, Hoodoo & Voodoo aren’t to be used on your own people. Her Child is of his bloodline. She’s dumb as sin.

Anonymous said...

1:27 what is truly frightening is that she has innocent children that may be affected by this. Those spirits demand payment in BLOOD.
Not Jesus Christ. He payed with his life for us. He was sacrifice ❤️

Anonymous said...

WTH is wrong with her face? Why does it look as if it's been pushed in? Is it bad surgery?

Anonymous said...

@9:25am ❤️ Received It!

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