Friday, August 16, 2024

Baby Halo's First Concert

Actress Halle Bailey takes her son Halo to see Bruno Mars for his very first concert...


Anonymous said...

I’m all for concerts but why would a toddler or anyone stroller-sized be anywhere NEAR a concert. She better at least had him in headphones

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. Look at the babies eyes. He was not created out of love. His eyes are sad. There is no glow or shine in his eyes. This baby has seen sadness.

Anonymous said...

@12;04 You sound so stupid!

Sunno said...

^^^ Y'all some straight weirdos.

Anonymous said...

Are Halle & her baby daddy, DDG still together?

He always seemed to have the worst stank attitude... like he was resentful because we all knew he was with Halle for clout, when he really wanted to be back with Ruby Rose.

Yes - I know he has his own Youtube music fanbase, but it's really ALL about Halle. And no - I don't care how much money he makes.

But why would she take an infant to a concert?? Makes absolutely no sense.

Anonymous said...

I work at events and people do this every day, just make sure your child has headphones. At this point, I'm older and need my hearing checked out.

Laa soul said...

I guess she tried to do a Beyonce by showing a foot and a hand to think we would care

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was a family date. DDG posted them there and yes the baby had on noise canceling headphones. I was more amused at him releasing that short clip to prove he was there after Halle’s picture/post went viral lol

Anonymous said...

I seriously am confused by her "beauty". she looks so gorgeous at times, but then....sometimes not. I guess I do too hhaha. Cute Bruno

Anonymous said...

The baby looks happy and content. So beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand why it's necessary or even safe to take a baby to a concert. That child won't remember being there and certainly won't care.

Anonymous said...

That baby looks depressed.

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