Monday, August 12, 2024

Ayesha Curry Has a Run-In with Paris Police

Steph Curry's wife, Ayesha Curry, gets into a tearful confrontation with Paris police officers...

Stephen Curry's wife, Ayesha Curry, broke down in tears after Paris police stopped her from going to her car with her four-month-old as they cleared the road for President Emmanuel Macron's motorcade.
Ayesha, carrying her infant son Caius on her chest and holding her six-year-old's hand, spent three minutes trying to get back to her vehicle after the men's basketball final on Saturday.
But police refused to let the family cross the road to a waiting vehicle or let their driver come pick them up, despite pleas from Ayesha's mother-in-law Sonya who was heard yelling that someone had 'touched the baby'.
A good Samaritan stepped in, acting as translator amid the chaos, informing the family that 'the president' was coming and 'nobody's allowed to cross the street right now until he's passed', video published online by Hollywood Fix revealed.
The tense encounter came as the Currys and Steph's Golden State Warrior teammate, Draymond Green, were leaving the stadium after Team USA's 98-87 Olympic win over host France.


Anonymous said...

It was a language barrier. I understand her extreme fear because her husband just beat France in France and things can go left quickly with fanatical fans. Never move without tight security.

Anonymous said...

Stop posting false narratives. These stories don't stick. First it was a "racist" at the restaurant giving her the side eye. That was false. Now this? Sotp it. No one cares about these false narratives.

Anonymous said...

It's the same in America. When the president's motorcade rolls by, you're a nobody and all of that fussiness will get you no where. I would be mad if someone accidently hit my baby, too. But I wouldn't have my 4 month old on a crowded street, either.

R in NYC said...

It was reported they hit the baby in the head but turns out that might not be true but yeah sounds like a language barrier. Grandma Sanya wasn't having it.

Anonymous said...

Typical celebrity tears and she's an attention wh0ra. They're no more special than everyone else and I doubt anybody intentionally hit a baby she was holding. The real question is she got a early delivery 4month newborn out in the streets with huge earphones on his head. Why? She couldn't let the nanny keep him backstage or stay at the hotel for an hour or two? Whatever.

LOLOL said...

That part, keep your baby at home and covid is still running rampant. You are not more important than their president. Light and bright stay at home or wait for your turn to leave.
She just forgot where she was at and France don't care about your USA celebrity statis.

Anonymous said...

These American celebrities and their sense of entitlement. First thing, you were in Paris and nobody in your camp speak French? Second you out here with a newborn 😶Third

Anonymous said...

Third, you out here in crowds with a newborn as the other person stated, Covid not gone. 🧐😒Fourth you got an attitude with the police when you know the French don't like Americans or Blacks that much. Light, bright, but still NOT White. It Could have been a really horrible situation💯

Anonymous said...

I watched the video so why she wiping away tears and crying for exactly? They were just explaining the situation. So overdramatic. 🙄

Anonymous said...

The light bright comments are unnecessary. Black folks still stuck on skin tone.

Anonymous said...

I see you snitchups are missing a little sympathy. No matter whether you like Ayesha or not, being a celebrity in a crowd situation like that with your children is dangerous. She was just trying to leave an arena where her husband had singlehandedly saved America's azz and get back to her hotel. She's not asking for special treatment; she just wants to be gone and for her family to be safe. The language barrier complicated everything and the police were correct, but that didn't make the situation safe.

Anonymous said...

What's "light and bright" got to do with it. Y'all got issues.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

@10:54 PM...Folks tell on themselves when they bring up skin tone in a situation where it's not even relevant. Like, which light skin chick stole your man? Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's a breastfeeder.

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