Thursday, August 15, 2024

August Alsina Reflects on Coming Out

Last week singer August Alsina returned to 'The Surreal Life' on MTV [click here if you missed that]. 

In one of his first scenes since returning to the show August reflects on coming out on a previous season of 'The Surreal Life...' 

This week August shared a clip from 'The Surreal Life' where he discusses the liberating feeling of living in his truth.  


Jcee said...

Sir the reason you not getting traction with this coming out thing is because WE ALREADY KNEW! Its like da brat coming out 😂 so just stop talking about it because we not surprised

Anonymous said...

I thought folks said that was his relative. I'm behind in the T.
The girl that sued him said he was toooo big in the peen and split her open. She won the suit
I guess this young boy can handle the D.

Anonymous said...

That is his brother

R in NYC said...

Coming out is no longer as shocking as it use to be.

Anonymous said...

This is still so subjective. I have yet to hear him say or acknowledge that he's gay or bi. Or has he identified if this was his boyfriend or significant other. He has alluded to saying this was his brother or a relative. Even that Surreal Life clip only says his experience was liberating not that he's come out as gay. If he's out, then he should just tell it like it is or it's just attention seeking at this point.

Anonymous said...

Pretty boy chooses another pretty boy. How original.

LOLOL said...

Ok now 3:10, I'm with you on this.
I thought I missed something because I haven't heard him admit nothing about being gay or bi.
Is Snitch making up stories to get clicks now. LOLO

Anonymous said...

He's to s3xy to be ghey. He should go bless a Woman with that Cobra in his pants and make some babies. He is too fine. Love those eyes and lips.

Anonymous said...

3:10 & 4:00

He just talked about it. Click the pic and he talks about it. I think he's lying though.

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t feel genuine. He’s playing the part to keep his name in the blogs. I never thought he’d turn out to be thirsty for attention but here we are… all you gotta do is wait. Eventually the mask has to come off.

Anonymous said...

He's bisexual. Good for him! Live your best life, sir.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Call me Jada! I want to munch on him myself 😛😜

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