Saturday, August 03, 2024

Angela Bofill's Family Calls Out Clive Davis

Two months ago R&B singer Angela Bofill passed away at age 70 [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Angela's family is having a hard time getting up the money for her public memorial and put Clive Davis on blast for not returning their calls...


Anonymous said...

Clive Davis is 92 years old. Is he even cognizant of his own health and surroundings let alone the status of his former employees? Empathy is one thing but folks have to learn that no one owes you anything in life or death. Appreciate the fans that donated and stop shaming the ones who didn't.

Anonymous said...

That cauc is a demon.

Anonymous said...

Why is getting life insurance such a hard concept for people to digest??? I pay 30 a month and if I die my mom gets 200k. Its not a whole lot but its certainly enough to handle my post life dilemmas.

Clive doesnt owe that lady shyt, especially if she didnt even help build his brand. I cant name a single song from this woman and i love Rnb from that era.

Anonymous said...

Clive treated her horribly. Answering the phone is the least he could do.

LOLOL said...

That musical relationship was over decades ago. Why would he be responsible for helping her even though he has the money and on his last leg too.

R in NYC said...

Yeah seems like a reach in hoping Clive should help. Does he even remember her at this point? Matter of fact, is Clive still breathing on his own? We saw how he did Whitney so they shouldn't expect much from him.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. Clive is only here for those who can fill his pockets. Clive is an in-the-closet wannabe Black woman. Even though he assisted Nippy and "Re", I still say he's not worth a dam and doesn't really like Black women or Black people.

Barry White tried to warn Luther about Clive, but I guess Barry didn't know how Luther rolled.

Whatever the case, I hope Clive burns in hail and I'm glad Angie's family spilled the beans on his azz.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@8:30 she has an extensive collection and such a beautiful voice. One of my favorites is I’m on your side. You’re right tho, life insurance is a must.

Anonymous said...

Then have a private memorial

Anonymous said...

Like The RASTAMAN Says Babylon "Use U & Refuse U".

Anonymous said...

Angela music is from the 80s. That's over four decades ago. Imagine being mad at somebody who hasn't dealt with you for that long. Her folks need to handle their own business and quit depending on others.

Anonymous said...

How do we know he isn’t getting residual money and not telling the family. 80’s isn’t longer than the other acts from the 60’s whose families are still being paid. It’s a thought. Clive ignoring the calls to probably check the books. Ha!

Anonymous said...

What does Clive Davis have to do with raising money for some memorial show? Why did they even need money for an event? Most people would have donated a venue for a memorial service. This sounds like the family was looking for a money grab.

Anonymous said...

Angela was his former employee. It would be great if honored her but in the years since, she should have had an insurance policy. They made music and money together but it was a business relationship at best.

Anonymous said...

Clive is an in-the-closet wannabe Black woman. - classic

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