Friday, August 16, 2024

Accuser Recants Afrika Bambaataa Claims

Eight years ago Ronald 'Bee-Stinger' Savage came forward claiming he had been molested by Afrika Bambaataa from the Zulu Nation when he was a teen [click here if you missed that].

Now Savage has recanted his accusations, claiming he lied to Bambaataa about his age at the time...

Savage recently conducted a lengthy interview with Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur, where he offered his view of the man he once accused of s_xually accosting him. What he says now is diametrically opposed to his previous assertions.
“Bambaataa is not a ped__hile and, in my eyes, he was doing something that was consensual with someone that he thought was of age,” he said. “I wish, back in 2016, I remembered about the fake ID. I wasn’t thinking about that I had forgot about that I was in deep depression and still dealing with the trauma as an adult. I want to apologize for the little kid that didn’t know anybody and just wanted to be down with this thing called Hip-Hop so I pretended to be older.
“This is something that took place 35 to over 40 years ago. This man has never been convicted of anything. Let it go. I needed to set the record straight [and get] my closure.
Savage also said that he hoped the showing would also positively impact the world.
“I just hope this brings healing to people around the world,” he said. “If I can have forgiveness and healing so can you.”


Anonymous said...

Y’all do know this man is damn near Bill Cosby’s age

Anonymous said...

All I know is ain’t nobody running behind me talking bout what I done illicit to them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 10:06 AM Afrika Bambaataa is 67 - Cosby is 87.

I'm thinking a check of some sort must've cleared OR this Ronald Savage guy just wanted to forgive him, since he never had the resources to prosecute Bambaataa properly.

And btw - he's by far, not the only victim.

I wonder-- who's been protecting Bambaaataa all these years - other than KRS-1?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it’s just me but I can smell a younging from a mile away, fake ID or not.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Savage is a joke! This ninja is recanting stories just to be back in the good graces of Zulu Nation. What an idiot. And he IS still a pedophile because this does not dismiss all of the other accusers that were minors that have come forward and those who have chosen to remain silent. This is sick!

Anonymous said...

Ronald Savage was raped by that obese demon. The Zulu Nation members were all sexually abused or abused others. More than one person has openly discussed this. Others accused Bambaatta of abuse. Most early hiphop stars were groomed through the Zulu Nation or Native Tribe. They harass anyone who breaks free. Ronald Savage either got paid to STFU or has been harassed so bad, he was out and agreed to lie to make them go away.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ok👌🏽 tell that to victims like Hassan Campbell… that’s why he’s weird to this day

Jcee said...

Yes yes yes we know these men don't ask anybody for id be fore ha I g secs they don't even ask about secs history or diseases! Just say the check cleared or you being pressured. First thing these men holler is she /he looked older they don't ever LOOK at an ID!

Anonymous said...

Everyone keeps speaking up for him saying “he didn’t do it”.
He doesn’t say that with his own guilty lips, he knows he did that shyt.

Anonymous said...

He's lying and this guy was molesting little boys for years.

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