Friday, July 26, 2024

Wiz Khalifa Urged Amber Rose to Support Donald Trump

Two months ago Amber Rose endorsed Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election [click here if you missed that]. 

Amber admits it was her ex husband, Wiz Kahalifa, who encouraged her to go public with her support...

From The Sun
Amber sat down with conservative commentator Candace Owens where she revealed how rapper and ex-husband Wiz Khalifa urged her to endorse Trump for the presidency.
Referencing her post on social media in May where she wrote 'Trump 2024' alongside a photo of herself with the former commander-in-chef, Rose told Owens: "My ex-husband actually told me to do it, Wiz."
The model said she feared supporting Trump would jeopardize her career.
"When I went out on a ledge and I posted the picture with me, Trump and Melania that was my moment where I was like, 'I'm f***ing done, I'm done,'" she recalled.


Anonymous said...

Well you are done for listening to a man that dawged you out while you were married. He's moved on with another woman and baby. Shaving your head brought you no common sense. Suffer

Anonymous said...

Jeopardize her career?!?🤦🏾‍♀️ She probably meant to say jumpstart a career because the trash she has participated in for a check should not even be called a job. LOL at her trying to drag her ex into the cesspool with her.

R in NYC said...

I blame Koonye for bringing this heffa to our attention.

Anonymous said...

lol Candance clowned her a while ago about her slut walk bullcrap. Amber is nothing more than a Mulatto Slug.

Anonymous said...

I wish Trump and his cult would do America a favor, and take a one way flight to Russia. Go be great again over there with his buddies. #WeAreNotGoingBack!

Anonymous said...

These two.
And many others.
Peas in a pod.
They not like me.
I wish I would participate in my own destruction.
They be like take this free shot so you can live. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

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Jcee said...

Duhh many of these treasonous black men support Trump! That way when they get locked up like they always do they will have someone to blame they don’t want the system to change because of it does it will show and prove that no matter what opportunities they are given they will still be degenerate and thugs that don’t want to work want to live off women. The ones that date whywomen and these types of women like Amber love and worship whymen

Anonymous said...

What's foul is, she can't even stand 10 toes down on who she endorsed. It had to be Wiz's fault that she came out being MAGA. She's a whole clout chasing clown, and she's cooked. She'll never be taken seriously. I mean, not like she ever WAS, but this basically finished her.

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