Friday, July 26, 2024

Will Smith Admits Biting Rakim's Flow

Will Smith, who signed a new record deal this week [click here if you missed that], admits to rapper Rakim that he stole his flow for his smash hit single, "Summertime..."


Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

When Blacks get rejected, disrespected, banded etc... they always come running back to their Black roots. When MJackson got disrespected by the Yt's/record label, he walked side by side with Al Sharpton to speak up for him. I never thought I would see them together.

R in NYC said...

Ok Will.

What else is going on in these gossip streets?

Anonymous said...

@11:35 I was trying to get my words together but you summed it up perfectly. I hope Rakim got a chuckle out of that delusion.

Anonymous said...

Now that he said it, Rakim's influence is definitely there

Anonymous said...

Rakim did get a chuckle and an honor out of it.

Anonymous said...

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