Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wesley Snipes Calls Out Blade: Trinity Co-Star

For the past few months ex Blade star, Wesley Snipes, has been calling out Marvel over their decision to re-cast his character in the franchise [click here if you missed that].

This week Snipes turned his attention to his Blade: Trinity co-star Patton Oswald...

Below is the three year old article Wesley referenced. 

From The Hollywood Reporter 
The backstory: In 2012, Patton Oswalt (yes, he’s in this story too — didn’t see that coming, right?) told The AV Club about his experience working on the third Blade film, 2004’s much-maligned Blade: Trinity. Oswalt claimed star Snipes “was just fxcking crazy in a hilarious way” and “wouldn’t come out of his trailer” and only came to the set for close-ups. “Everything else was done by his stand-in.”
“And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer,” Oswalt added. “We went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so David says to them, ‘I’ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.’ Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, ‘I think you need to quit. You’re detrimental to this movie.’ And David was like, ‘Why don’t you quit? We’ve got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.’ And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note ‘From Blade.'”
When Goyer — who also wrote the script for 1998’s original Blade, as well as its hit sequel — was asked about this anecdote, he replied: “Let’s just say I have tremendous respect for Wesley as an actor. He used to be a friend. We’re not friends anymore. I am friends with Patton and I worked with Patton since so … I don’t think anyone involved in that film had a good experience on that film, certainly I didn’t. I don’t think anybody involved with that film is happy with the results. It was a very tortured production.”
Does this add more detail to the anecdote? Not at all. But is it also not denying it and nodding vaguely in the direction of Oswalt’s account? It seems to be, yes.


LOLOL said...

This is a good example that you can be replaced on any job. No matter how important you think you are. WS needs to be in Blade, or this will pass the movie theatre, Netflix, and go directly to Peacock, Tubi or Freevee.
WS needs to hold his head up high and stop acting childish. Something else will come along more epic than this franchise.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine his ego. He clearly doesn’t deserve the role - who would want to bring that environment back? Especially when you can create a new one without the antics? Can’t blame em so moving on.

Anonymous said...

Listen, after Superman died in real life (RIP Christopher Reeves), they found replacements and kept making movies. They even had a few television shows. Will it ever come close to the original Superman? No. But the show must go on and people still watched knowing it wasn't the original actor. Wesley's head is too big to fit through doors now. He needs a reality check.

Anonymous said...

WS in Blade is unbeatable. He’s an a-hole but Blade movies are still popping. Movie goers don’t care about what goes on behind the scenes with fluffy men in their girly feelings. Get in. Do the scenes. Go home!

It’s just like Jamie Fox and LL Cool not getting along during the set of Any Given Sunday. Do people care? No, It made $100 million in box office sales.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. The only Superman follow up that did better than the original was with Henry Cavill. Superman and other characters together have to team up to beat those numbers so no it isn’t THAT easy to be replaced. And anyway, Christopher Reeves isn't a good comparison considering his unfortunate permanent injury. Wesley was locked up not limited from an accident.
My only thing with Wesley is he is just too old to perform that role today. I’m side eyeing the new Blade actor because the longer they delay the movie the older he gets.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would have just given Wesley his old vampire job back. He was the OG. I don’t get it, he wore the leprechaun suit to the award show. (Click here if you miss that). What else did they want him to do?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wesley was locked up for claiming to be a sovereign citizen who doesn't have to pay taxes. He deserved what he got for that stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Say what you want but Wesley is Blade. No one can do what that man did for Marvel. He literally saved Marvel, remember? He should be honored for that contribution. See YT actors can be sassy, snappy, argumentative, mean, and unbearable and still be called the greatest, but a Black man can't have one bad day. Lol.

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