Friday, July 19, 2024

Wendy Williams' Family Had No Contact for Her Milestone Birthday

Two years ago former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams was placed under a court ordered financial guardianship and cut off from her family after being diagnosed with Aphasia and Frontotemporal Dementia [click here if you missed that].

This week insiders confirm Wendy's family were unable to contact her on her 60th birthday...

As Wendy Williams turns 60, her family is showing their support amid her ongoing legal troubles.
A source with knowledge of the situation exclusively tells PEOPLE that Williams' family is "rooting" for her as she celebrates her 60th birthday on Thursday, July 18. Her birthday comes as Williams remains under a court-ordered guardianship amid her primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia diagnosis.
"Wendy Williams’s family is unable to speak on her current condition and location due to ongoing litigation and the fact that they have largely been denied contact," the source says. "But they are all rooting and praying for Wendy and want to express their well wishes as she celebrates her 60th birthday."
The source adds, "She was, is and always will be an icon."
Sabrina Morrissey, Williams' court-ordered guardian, did not respond to PEOPLE's request for comment.


Anonymous said...

Is Wendy still living has she been seen at all

Anonymous said...

Wendy's pockets are being cleaned. She'll be available as soon as she runs out of money.

LOLOL said...

The only person that I seen on Wendys documentary responsible and trustworthy in WW family was the niece. The rest of the family are pick pockets too.

Anonymous said...

Good friends that love you and genuinely care about you helps will jolt you into reality. Tell you when s… ain’t right with you or someone around you. I remember Wendy would boost about not having girlfriends. I know she and Brittney Spears needed the girlfriend committee.

R in NYC said...

At this point there needs to be some proof of life. Is Wendy still with us? This is so disturbing and weird. That white woman has way too much power over her. It's diabolical.😡😞😞

Anonymous said...

Tab. Enough is enough. Please release the curse you put on Wendy.

Anonymous said...

Curse? More like karma.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Wendy was randomly hanging with Ray J? He was the last man to see Whitney Houston alive. He kept her strung out on drugs and dipped. The same has happened to Wendy. Big dick Ray J was sent in to finish the job. She didn't die, but come close enough to death to have a conservatorship put in place. Ray J's sudden meltdown was about being exposed for being the root of two major black women's demise.

Anonymous said...

^A fixer and a finisher?

Anonymous said...

@10:57 AM Both! I recall an interview when he said he had booty-bandits on deck that raped men to keep them in check. If you act up he knew who to call to set a man up to get raped. He's been a drug connect for many c and d list black stars. Ray J is always at a Diddy party.

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