Friday, July 12, 2024

Wayne Brady Opens Up About Reason for Coming Out

Last year comedian Wayne Brady came out as pansexual [click here if you missed that].

In the trailer for his new reality TV show, "Wayne Brady: The Family Remix," Wayne admits why he finally came out...

In the preview Wayne explains, "I don't want to be depressed anymore. I don't want to feel this weight anymore...."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To sell a show, duh!

LOLOL said...

Who's the handsome man with the dimples?

Anonymous said...

We been knew!

Jcee said...

The delusion with these people is real we all been new. We was just waiting on you to say something. BOOM!

Anonymous said...

All that time we just ignored him for being into beckees. So yall had no idea! Anyway, hope he can inspire other dl bruthas to just come out and be honest when they’re out there dating after divorce.

Anonymous said...

That’s the new blk hub for the non-blk ex-wife who’s clearly into only blk men

Anonymous said...

Wayne!!!!!! Go back to when you first started being on TV and everybody called you gay but you denied it. We always knew but now I get why you decided hide in the closet. His mother's views were a big part of why he never came out publicly. Glad he can now live his authentic self and not bow to ex-lovers who would try to extort or blackmail him. I hope more parents would get out of the way and allow their kids to find out who they really are, instead of bottling up their emotions. You would have less angry people in the world if they didn't have to hide.

R in NYC said...


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