Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tyrese Refuses to Answer Question in Home Depot Deposition

Last year Tyrese Gibson filed a $1 million discrimination lawsuit against Home Depot after they refused to allow his workers to use his credit card without his identification [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Home Depot is accusing Tyrese of refusing to answer certain questions under oath...
Tyrese Gibson was slammed as part of his racial discrimination lawsuit against Home Depot for allegedly refusing to answer questions during a recent deposition, In Touch can exclusively report.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, lawyers representing Home Depot demanded Tyrese, 45, be ordered to submit to a second deposition.
The lawyers claimed Tyrese refused “to respond to numerous questions including, but not limited to, identification of his mental health providers he has allegedly treated with for the emotional distress alleged in this case and other factors contributing to his current mental state which he has identified repeatedly to the public.”
Tyrese sued Home Depot for $1 million over an incident that took place at a Los Angeles store on February 11, 2023.
In court, Home Depot denied all allegations of wrongdoing. The company claimed security footage never showed Tyrese speaking to the cashier before leaving the store. In the newly filed motion, Home Depot claimed Tyrese’s written answers in the case contradict his deposition testimony.
They said Tyrese claims he suffered “emotional distress, shame, anxiety, indignity, humiliation, embarrassment, inconvenience and mental suffering,” which he attributes to the February 11, 2023 incident that is the subject of this litigation.
Home Depot said Tyrese first told them, “he has NOT received any consultation or examination from a Health Care Provider for any injury he attributes to the Incident.”
However, during his deposition, Home Depot said Tyrese switched his answer. “During his March 25, 2024 deposition, Plaintiff Gibson testified that he has received treatment ‘on multiple occasions’ for the emotional distress he is alleging in this lawsuit,” Home Depot’s lawyer claimed.
Home Depot accused Tyrese of refusing to name his therapists when asked. A lawyer for Home Depot said, “[Tyrese] also refused to discuss matters related to the emotional trauma he has suffered, and admits on social media that he continues to suffer from to this day, that is unrelated to the February 11, 2023 incident.”
In addition, the lawyer claimed Tyrese “engaged in behavior of responding to questions with questions, making statements such as ‘That is none of your business’, engaged in long nonresponsive statements on the record, repeatedly threatened to leave, refused to answer questions despite his understanding thereof and was generally uncooperative.”
A judge has yet to rule on Home Depot’s motion for another deposition.


R in NYC said...

Home Depot has deep lawyer pockets. Not looking good for him.

Anonymous said...

All you had to do was show an ID but now you have more problems and paying lawyers, boi I tell you. Entitled Ignat ppl with money

Anonymous said...

How can you make claims of mental distress, yet refuse to disclose any medical treatment you've received because of it? That's not how that works and they're about to throw this case out.

Anonymous said...

He's a liar so he'll drop the lawsuit and claim somebody's coming after him. Typical victim mentality.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone seeks modern medical treatment, some prefer holistic & self help methods. With that being said I don't believe this child man.

Anonymous said...

Burning money Tyrese...burning money.

Jcee said...

Even if he decided the holistic route there are holistic and integrative doctors that he could have seen also a therapist this nut job is lying

Anonymous said...

This nicca stays on the losing end.

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