Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tyler Perry Defends His Movie Formula

Last week Tyler Perry's latest film, "Divorce in the Black," debuted No.1 globally on Prime Video despite scathing reviews [click here if you missed that]. 

Tyler sits down with KeKe Palmer and explains how he drowns out his harshest critics and focuses on his core audience...

Tyler explains,
“You got to drown all of that out. If you let somebody talk you out of a place that God has put you in, you are going to find yourself in hell. I know for a fact that what I’m doing is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, because for everyone who is a critic, I have thousands of — what used to be — emails from people saying, ‘This changed my life. Oh my God, you know me. Oh my God, you saw me. How did you know this about my life and my family?’ That is what is important to me.”
“A large portion of my fans are disenfranchised, who cannot get in the Volvo and go to therapy on the weekend. So, you’ve got this highbrow negro who is all up in the air with his nose up looking at everything, then you got people like where I come from, and me, who are grinders, who really know what it’s like. Whose mothers were caregivers for white kids, and were maids, housekeeper, beauticians. Don’t discount these people and say their stories don’t matter. Who are you to be able to say which Black story is important, or should be told? Get out of here with that bullsxxt.”

Comes in at the 42:23 mark.  


Anonymous said...

Look, he switches it up by paying underrated struggling black actors. Meagan just said Tyler paid her more than any other producer. Which by the way makes me side them niggas. I won’t say any names but we see whose projects Meagan worked with. We see and know these black producers are not shelling out the dough like their white peers. It’s expected for the top black artists to promote and to garner more attention.
Tyler Perry knows getting black actors with great resumes also gets him the attention he needs. It’s a good move actually. Had this movie had unknown actors like some of the people he uses from his stage plays no one would be talking.

LOLOL said...

He has a core audience. What else can be said about it?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't want to improve. He doesn't think his audience deserves better.

Anonymous said...

His core audience are the silent and baby boomers generations, and a few gen x. As long as they love and support his work he will never change it up.

Anonymous said...

So do these disenfranchised people ever work their way up and out of disenfranchisement like he did, or do they remain forever stuck being grinders as he call it? He's so full of bullshyt I can smell him from here.

Anonymous said...

So like democrats.

Anonymous said...

Professional film critic here. His audience is unsophisticated, not stupid. He could tell their story intelligently, with heart, and still aim it at a basic level. The problem with Tyler Perry's films is incredibly bad writing and ignorance. His audience deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Not my guy but hey, whatever works. Ain’t mad at ‘em

Anonymous said...

His Core Audience Being The Long Suffering Celies✔️ Pickmes ✔️ Mammies💯


THEY ONLY Feel GOOD When A Nword In A Wig IS Making A Mockery Of Them 🤦🏿‍♀️

Cue Keke & Her Liteskin Stay @Home Baby Daddy💅🏿Who Goes Upside Her Head( Meeting Her At Her Worth) When The Light Bill Due 🙌🏿

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry is full of it. He doesn't want to pay actors or writers and his movies are bad.He can pay Megan and Taraji because he's not paying the other actors any money.

R in NYC said...

His work could use improvement. I get it he's doing what works for him and made him rich but how about elevating his craft? We don't need any more movies with abusive black men and the submissive women who put up with them until they snap. Where is the variety? It's the same old formula. His recent movie was better than his usual fare but I still fast forwarded through the boring, preachy parts.

Jcee said...

1207!! Bravo!!!! You ate and left no crumbs for the rest of us! Younsoad what needed to be said! I was with keke all the way up until she decided not to move forward with tge restraining order I just wanted her to understand that if the shoe was on the other foot that fake arse El debarge bicca would have finished her! He tried to convince the world she was abusive a bad mother and a Ho! The only way to come back from that was to show and prove that he is that man in that video! I bet she thinks this incident will
Change him but it won't now keke will suffer in silence. I know DV victims go back many times because I did but if I had the money and resources she had I would have never went back!

Anonymous said...

He thinks his ability to exploit poor blacks is a gift given to him from GOD. This man is DANGEROUS. He thinks promoting illegitimacy, ignorance, abuse, is calling. KneeGROW!! Closeted homosexuals need to STFU.

Anonymous said...

His movie has 0 percent on rotten tomatoes right now

oregonsistah said...

@9:38 I fast forwarded as well

Anonymous said...

His movies are too predictable and boring

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