Monday, July 29, 2024

Tiffany Haddish Responds to Zimbabwe Backlash

Over the weekend comedian Tiffany Haddish shared video footage from inside a grocery store in Zimbabwe, seemingly shocked at its existence [click here if you missed that]. 

Tiffany responds to the backlash...


Anonymous said...

She's part of the media.

Anonymous said...

Only fools believe that, and you can't tell fools anything. No one asked her unfunny self to try and prove anything. If anyone believes the lie about Africa and has no common sense, let them remain ignorant. I'm sure the message from that source was also an issue.

Ms. Transformation said...

At this point, to save whatever is left of her face, she would be behooved to run EVERYTHING she posts through her PR person, if she has one...

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that she does her own pr. Recently I followed Kelis whose visited several countries in Africa and it's a beautiful country.

Anonymous said...

Aww. Poor thing. LA school system must be pretty bad. And yes we are told lies about Africa. I feel sorry for her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is why you keep your ignorance to yourself. She should’ve just been in awe in silence. Also, if you are traveling anywhere, in the country or out, always research where you’re going first! They don’t educate Americans on the many countries in Africa or other places unless you’re taking up a language class so it’s up to us to do our research.

Anonymous said...

Now you all are just attacking her out of spite because you don’t like the woman. She is actually right and most of you have never set foot outside of US soil but you’re telling her to keep her ignorance to herself. Smh.
How many people actually show the beauty of Africa? Not many because like she said, all they show is babies and kids starving with infected swollen bellies asking for Americans to donate.
If you haven’t seen the nice areas why is it a disgrace to be surprised to see it when you’re there.

Anonymous said...

What century do you live in lady? Talking trash about somebody never stepping foot outside the US but where you been at? I ain't seen a video nor pic of a starving African in decades. And NEWSFLASH: There's this thing called the Internet where people can actually do a search and find images of how people live in practically any city or country in the wold. They even have this thing called YouTube where you can watch videos. GASP! Is Tiffany the first person to visit Africa with a camera? She got dragged just the way she should have. She's a flaming bird and probably did think every African lived in mud huts with bones in their noses? Look at the company she keeps. No wonder Common kiced her dingbat azz to the curb, talking bout her friend don't think they have bare necessities. Dafuq!?

Anonymous said...

Africa is not one country, people! Somebody might be starving in one corner of that great big continent but in another corner someone is ordering from their local form of DoorDash. Tiffany believing the entire continent looks like a Tarzan movie is just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Make it stop!!

Anonymous said...

@7:44PM exactly! First let's start by teaching Tiffany that Africa is a continent not a country. Then explain what a continent is... Then explain what a country is... Then... There's so much Big Tiff needs to learn!

Anonymous said...

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Sunno said...

Every single time she opens her mouth she jams her foot in it. I really wish'd she go away. We not gonn ever forget that kid situation, no matter how hard she tries.

Anonymous said...

Sher was trying to be funny and it fell flat HARD. Ther eare stupid Americans who think African is a country not a continent. There are black americans who think "Africa" is a backward dark country with no running water or paved roads.

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