Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Terrell Davis United Airlines Incident Caught on Video

Last week retired NFL Hall of Famer, Terrell Davis, was handcuffed and marched off his United Airlines flight, in front of his wife and children, after a misunderstanding with a flight attendant over ice [click here if you missed that].

Video of the incident has surfaced...


LOLOL said...

Show the picture of the flight attendant. We want to introduce them with a Chris Brown greeting. LOLO

Anonymous said...

The fact that no federal agent questioned this "violent assault" and just handcuffed him right away is what's so troubling about this whole situation. I'm not saying they shouldn't have respond but they could've gotten him off the plane first. They did that to embarrass him and immediately put him in chains because he's a Black man and I don't care what nobody says about that.

Anonymous said...

This is horrible! Just horrible and does anyone know if United has released any type of statement?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gayle's wig is offensive.

Anonymous said...

To: 2:51 PM

I agree but everything about Gail is offensive.

Anonymous said...

All those witnesses and nobody has had enough courage to come forward in his defense. smh

Anonymous said...

United ain’t show the dumb a$$ who caused all this commotion,yet?

Anonymous said...

I thought they had video of the light tapping

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