Thursday, July 18, 2024

Terrell Davis Speaks on United Airlines Incident

This week retired NFL player Terrell Davis shared his experience on social media after being kicked off his United Airlines flight and arrested in front of his wife and children in dispute over ice [click here if you missed that].

Terrell and his wife share their story with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America...

United Airlines has apologized and the flight attendant has been suspended while an investigation is conducted.


R in NYC said...

Flight attendant should have been arrested and fired!!!!😡

Anonymous said...

He should've corrected him right away when he got rude with the kids the first time. That being said me and my boo, who looked a like Mr Owens got kicked off a plane. We could see our bags on the runway... and he asked why. White lady flight attendant had a problem w that.

Anonymous said...

I would sue and press charges for false arrest and lying to the police about an assault. People are so crazy and have no care about putting us in a situation that could cause us deadly harm. Consequences need to be taken for lying and calling the cops.

Anonymous said...

The flight attendant saw a black man, well dressed, with a beautiful family and thought, "uppity" n-word. For whatever reason, affluent black people irritates other people and they will do whatever they can to make you believe that no matter who you are or what you do, you're still an n-word.

Keep your head up black people! ALWAYS!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed 1:28. Love this family!!

LOLOL said...

Was the flight attendant Yt? It's not only Yt that ppl disrespects us. Even our own.

Anonymous said...

she is BEAUTIFUL! reminds me of rochelle ayers, i think her name is?

Anonymous said...

It was definitely a racist incident but you don't need to touch anyone to request service. Keep your hands to yourself.

Anonymous said...

@1:28 Lower class Blacks are the biggest haters of affluent Blacks.

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