Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Terrell Davis Placed on United Airlines No-Fly List

Two weeks ago retired NFL player Terrell Davis was marched off his United Airlines flight in handcuffs after a dispute with a flight attendant over ice [click here if you missed that].

Now United has placed Terrell on their 'No Fly' list...


Anonymous said...

Glad he shared this story. This happens quite often.

Anonymous said...

If it isn't one company it's another.

R in NYC said...

Is he suing them? I hope so. This is utterly disgusting.

LOLOL said...

Another Black Man that has been discriminated for nothing. If he really had done something wrong the other passenger would have commented against him.
His lawsuit should be massive. I hope he gets some other ppl to speak up for him that were on that flight.

Anonymous said...

I had a big crush on Terrell Davis when he played for Denver. After all these years, he's still a humble, beautiful, soft spoken. I wish him and his family the best.
United has been acting crazy since 9/11. He isn't the first person to be harassed by them and until something is done, he won't be the last. I avoid them and Spirit at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Because of this incident, I have decided to never use United to fly. Not only did they hire someone who inappropriately used their power to overreact but they've supported having a man arrested in front of his family but they also failed to respond appropriately. To place a person who was violated and humiliated on a no fly list is taking things way too far. Just like we can't have overzealous police, we also can't have the same rouge behavior from airline attendants. They have a responsibility to treat everyone with the same courtesy and respect.

No Chiraq said...

It's relationation, in plain sight

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