Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Terrell Davis Kicked Off United Airlines Flight and Arrested in Front of His Family

This week Sandra 'Pepa' Denton from the rap group Salt -n- Pepa was escorted out of the airport by police after getting kicked off her Southwest Airlines flight [click here if you missed that].

Now retired NFL player Terrell Davis shares his tale of being kicked off a United Airlines flight and being arrested in front of his wife and kids...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow. They're at war with us for real. Watch your back folks.

LOLOL said...

Was the flight attendant Yt, Latino Yt, Asian, want to be Yt, a person of color that wants to be Yt or was it a coon that is Black and thinks he's Yt? It's not just Yt's that mistreat us.

Anonymous said...

From reading the events of what happened, it looks as if the flight attendant was throwing their weight around and called the police to show Terrell who was the boss. That's someone who exploited their authority and they should be fired. Flight attendants should only call federal agents or police only if they believe someone on the plane has a potential to place someone's life at risk. Whoever they are, they should have left Terrell Davis alone because he has a history of suing companies and individuals.

R in NYC said...

Probably some jealous, hatin' azz flight attendant in his feelings. Did y'all know it takes a while for a flight attendant to make decent pay? Those starting out can qualify for food stamps in some states.

Anonymous said...

I smell a law suit.

Anonymous said...

Black people please becareful because we are living in very strange times and if Project 2025 gets passed it will only get worst. People really are displaying their hate and digust towards us for no reason at all, it will always come down to their word against ours, keep your phones charged and ready to record. This is truly sad OMG I could not imagine this happening to my dad, horrified and traumatizing.

Anonymous said...

United is always nasty to brown ppl

Anonymous said...

Nice looking fam

Anonymous said...

Nice looking fam

Anonymous said...

A Beautiful B L A C K Family.

Anonymous said...

Glad he's not backing down.

Anonymous said...

The flight attendant was on one. I hope he prevails bc this isn't right.

Anonymous said...

Well they f’d around and now they’re about to find out. He has the money to got toe to toe with United. They better hope he doesn’t put them out of business. Airlines come and go.

Shafrika Lights said...

So they now know Trump will win, so again, they incite violence, hate and conflict to blame on Trump. I am not a supporter. These are the types of stories that would happen when he was in office. Notice you didn't get this type of nonsense happening when Biden was in office.

Anonymous said...

Now They Got 'Flying While Black'?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

@1:25 Project 25 is a whole lie that was put out to make you sheep believe that Trump plans to endorse it. Stop falling for the banana in the tailpipe. There is no Project 25!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, I meant @1:34. ^

Anonymous said...

To: 2:25 AM

Project 2025 is not a lie, it is a fact and you can look up Trump friends, The Heritage Foundation and read everything they expect him to complete within the first several months of his presidency. They own him.

Anonymous said...

2:25 am get yo Trump loving arse off this blog!

Anonymous said...

2:25 before you call people sheep, do some research. If project 25’ is a lie then why would congress woman Jasmine Crockett address it? Educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Project 2025 that has so many scared? Have you guys actually read it or are you just listening to what the news man told you?

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