Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Taraji P. Henson Responds to Keith Lee

This week TikTok food critic Keith Lee explained why he threw away the rose he received from Taraji P. Henson at the BET Awards after she confused him for someone else [click here if you missed that].

Taraji responds to Keith's explanation...


R in NYC said...

D**n that food critic really has a big ego. He's not even a real celebrity like Taraji.
Boy bye!

Anonymous said...

Should have been in his seat.

Anonymous said...

Lowkey love her response to this because the issue and situation wasn’t that deep for the type of long winded video he gave toward the matter. Keith Lee always comes off as fake humble to me and you can see that based from the video, his new level of fame has slightly gone to his head just as it has with a lot of these other “influencers”. I don’t particularly care for these social media “food critics” and their random opinions on what is good and bad about a business without the necessary education or training needed for it. I remember the days where being a good critic was a big deal and a true art in itself that involved much more development/experience than just a follower count and enjoyment of food/cooking. Not speaking toward just him either but just the whole culture of new online food criticism in general.

mil262 said...

Did one of Taraji's eyes fall off of her face when he threw the rose away? She is a idiot for responding

LOLOL said...

The joke wasn't funny in the first place. Get better writers.

Anonymous said...

Translation = Who TF is Keith Lee?

Anonymous said...

No one outside of Black instagram culture knows Keith Lee. He should have stayed in his seat, literally and metaphorically.

Anonymous said...

They moved their seat. He didn't move himself. She's a lil nasty I see.

Anonymous said...

Silence would have been a more elegant response.

Anonymous said...

I like his response better. But also, he should have declined the invitation and not went like he declines paid offers to review restaurants.

Anonymous said...

I like Keith but it wasn’t that serious. I blame BET for mixing these influencers with celebs at the awards in the 1st place. That’s why it’s no longer the BET but EBT awards. These events are no longer exclusive.

Anonymous said...

You gotta really watch Keith Lee with his pyramid/diamond hand gestures and the other symbols he low key uses. That told me all I needed to know about him and how he pretends to not enjoy all of his newfound fame. He loves the attention. I used to watch him frequently and then I started seeing little things that made me back up. He's young and deep down inside he might be a good guy but for now, I think he's cosplaying. What's that old saying, "If you want to know who a person really is, watch how they behave when they don't get what they want". He thought that the BET award show appearance was going to be a moment and it fell flat.

Anonymous said...

He was wrong to record that flower drop followed by that weak azz excuse. That was unnecessarily rude. Someone playing the long game wouldn’t do that. He’ll learn.

Rainy Dayz said...

He should have been appreciative to be there
His post dropping the rose was uncalled for
Sir you have no real talents that we know of
You got too much dip on your chip and it broke
This is the the beginning of the downfall for him

Anonymous said...

WTH is Keith.
The opening was so stupid I didnt watch the show.
Done with TH after she cried broke when the world was listening to her real tears only for her to get her palms greased so she could back peddle and p pop. From the looks of things she good with the goody bag too

Shafrika Lights said...

What qualifies him as a food critic? Did he go to culinary arts school? Has he worked as a sous chef, line cook? Did he work in restaurant management. I'm trying to understand why he thinks stuffing his face is that important?

Anonymous said...

Somebody inform KL that this thread is very spicy for his credentials.

Anonymous said...

No one is perfect and everyone could have handled the mix up with more grace.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something that was the most ghetto award show in BET history. It was a popularity/instagram award show. People won categories they shouldn’t have won. And let’s state facts people are siding with taraji because she has more credentials aka popularity. She will defend BET’s fuck up because they are cutting her a check

Anonymous said...

She complained about her treatment in the color purple and he can’t complain about his treatment at the EBT award show foh

Anonymous said...

What qualifies him as a food critic? Taste buds. Plus consistent content. Plus followers. I never watched him. But ppl seem to feel he's trustworthy and honest cool guy. Anybody can be a food critic. Many ppl online are.

Anonymous said...

I don’t have TikTok so this whole thing is going over my head as far as his celebrity. Didn’t realize food critics were on the same level as actresses who’ve been in the game for many years.

Anonymous said...

*and actors*

Anonymous said...

Love Jordan the Stallion, he's so wholesome. That is all.

Anonymous said...

So glad Taraji lost that alcohol and water bloated weight. She looks like her normal self. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Taraji, we'll remember this response the next time you cry about being paid $15,000 to star in a blockbuster trilogy with White actresses earning $2M plus backend. She could've easily ignored him. Why must we always get somebody told?

Anonymous said...

Life is too short for BET to keep pretending these award shows highlight black excellence. Rap/Hip Hop and pop culture is all that is show cased and doesn't high light excellence, just popularity.

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