Monday, July 01, 2024

Taraji P. Henson Fails to Recognize Keith Lee at the BET Awards

BET Awards Show host Taraji P. Henson mistakes influencer Jordan Howlett for influencer Keith Lee in an embarrassing mix-up...


Anonymous said...

She's an actress so you'd think she would at least do a little research beforehand. So unprofessional and quite funny.

Sweets said...

He is not a celebrity she dont know who he is

Anonymous said...

I didn’t know who he was either until I joined TikTok. They gotta cut her some slack.

Anonymous said...

Did Will perform?

Anonymous said...

I loved her remix. Went over everyone's heads. Instead they want you talking about this. SMH

Shafrika Lights said...

Oh so now we are supposed to idolize Tik Tok food critics, GTFOH

Anonymous said...

No one cares. These "influencers" really think that they are important.

Anonymous said...

What is Project 2025 about

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