Monday, July 01, 2024

Supreme Court Rules Donald Trump is Entitled to Immunity

The Supreme Court rules that former U.S. President Donald Trump is entitled to immunity from federal prosecution for official actions taken while in office...

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former President Donald Trump is entitled to immunity from federal prosecution for official actions he took while in office, a landmark decision in the height of an election season that could further delay the start of his criminal trial in Washington, D.C.
The 6-3 decision tosses out a ruling from the federal appeals court in Washington that concluded Trump is not entitled to broad immunity from criminal charges stemming from an alleged scheme to hold on to power after the 2020 election.
The ruling from the nation's highest court is an expansion of presidential power, since it extends immunity to criminal prosecutions of former presidents for their official conduct. Never before had the Supreme Court considered whether a former commander in chief could face criminal charges as a result of conduct that occurred while in the Oval Office.
Trump is the first to have held the presidency and faced prosecution. He has pleaded not guilty to four charges stemming from an alleged effort to subvert the transfer of presidential power after the 2020 election.


Anonymous said...

And this is why voting is important. We need to take over the Supreme Court! Bush, Reagan and Trump’s folks gotta go, starting with uncle Ruckus.

Anonymous said...

People need to wake up. If Trump gets reelected and can do ANYTHING without fear of prosecution he will not abide by any laws. He wants to rule, like a King, not govern.
Project 2025 will eliminate thousands of civil service government jobs. This will impact you and people you love. Please vote for whoever stands against him.

LOLOL said...

This is no surprise. You think Dump is not going to try changing laws to his favor, if he gets in office. If y'all don't get up off social media and vote on November 3rd, 2024, you're going to find out what Jim and his Crows are all about.
Three more Supreme seats will be coming up and if he gets to place those judges then say goodbye to democracy. It's already not in our favor in some cases.

Anonymous said...

Giving any president immunity is setting the stage for the next Stalin or Hitler x's 10. Smh. This is not a good move. A man who knows he has no limits will cut up sideways.

Anonymous said...

All Presidents have immunity. All this shows is that the far left conspired to convict Trump no matter what, due to their hatred. If it wasn't for that immunity, Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Biden, would have all been convicted of a laundry list of crimes.

Anonymous said...

11:59. Shut yo Trump loving arse up!

Anonymous said...

I say let these racists have a Trump win.🤡 They rigged the courts, and we all know he is never going to jail. Obama left a great economy, Trump in one term took us into a deficit and don't say Covid did it, yes Covid was a factor but the obese Orange conman dismantled the agency that could have helped that, so he gets what he gets. 💯🤡

America has NEVER paid for its crimes when it comes to racism and slavery. With Trump as President this is about to happen. All these racist yts, fake Christians that use religion as a weapon, Uncle Tom's, and racisit lations that think they are white, that vote against their own benefits, let Trump crashing the country be their karma. I'm here for it. 💯

Russia and China already making moves to prepare for a strike, since they got stronger while Trump was President, BRICS already drowning the dollar, again started while Trump not Biden was President. America was NEVER meant to be fair, it's an country built by European criminals that stole land, r@ped women, killed natives, and enslaved Africans because they were too weak to work the land the stole. The Democrats are idiots for focusing on stupid sh!t while they had the Presidency, and now the con artist will be back. I officially don't care. Black people are resilient so we will be ok, but the blind middle class, the racsist immigrants that they keep letting in, and the racist yts... oh karma about to roll right on in, and I'm here for it. Trump ran up the deficit more than any other President in the first term in history. This is just a preview of what's about to happen.

Anonymous said...

But they locking negroes up for traffic tickets 😑😑😑

Anonymous said...

It's ALWAYS been this way for ALL presidents. Otherwise they'd all be locked up as soon as they hit the door. Ya'll see Trump name and automatically ya arse starts itching and ya foaming at the mouth. Ion even like Trump but ya'll so weird fr

mil262 said...

The Supreme Court sucks

Gg57 said...

Voting doesnt matter. Hillary lost and we voted for her

Anonymous said...

I hear you @1:27 except the 'natives' they enslaved were Black folks. The true indigenous were Black. The so-called 'Indians' were negro. The truth is coming out...

Anonymous said...

GG, voting does matter. Hillary's loss was from "The Bern." He convinced people that he had a chance. Bernie took votes from Hillary.

I'm voting for Biden or whoever ends up as the Democratic nominee. Biden or his replacement is the only thing between this country and a white nationalist superpredator.

I don't care if Biden wears a diaper and Jill has to hand feed him. He's got my vote.

A Day To Remember said...

Please vote!!! This election is one of the most important in our lifetime. If Donald Trump is elected, he will dismantle our democracy. I am sure that he will use his immunity as president to commit many more crimes and atrocities. In fact, he has stated that he would seek out to punish those who prosecuted him. He is responsible of stripping women of their reproductive and health care rights, leaving many women to face the emotional scars of carrying an unviable fetus to term. This dangerous criminal is racist a who thinks that he can win the affection of black voters by selling ugly sneakers, granting pardons to rappers, and by stating that we relate to him due to his many charges and criminal record. He thinks that the illegals are stealing our "black jobs". You and everyone who is able to vote MUST go out in November to cast our votes to keep Trump out of office!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm Riden' with Biden 🌊🕶️

Shafrika Lights said...

America is 34 TRILLION Dollars in debt. No matter who is President we are SCREWED. I will vote Trump, because he knows how to play the system, which gives people a fighting chance to get their lives together before the inevitable crash. If you think 2024 has been hard just wait until 2025. Get out of as much debt as possible. Invest what money you do have WISELY(Bitcoin, Gaming, AI, NFT's, Forex/ Options) and have an exit plan.

Anonymous said...

Are we surprised by this? Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no. They love his dirty drawers and don't care if he's a rapist, thief, liar, stealer of secret info or a bad husband. They love his dirty drawers.

Anonymous said...

Obiden, clinton, bush 1and 2, killed millions of people and u.s. soldiers overseas and noone called for them to be imprisioned. Obiden took black peoples homes due to the bank bailout apparently blacks had no problem with that atricity. Obiden is bringing millions of illegals with diseases to rape, kill, take americans jobs. Obiden now has sign off to send black men to die for ukraine. High cost of living in every thing we purchased. When and what level will be enough for blacks under the democrats?

Anonymous said...

Rightfully so. I'd say the same if this were Obama, Bush, Biden, Clinton. Do you know how ridiculous the USA looks prosecuting this guy? We look even more ridiculous because after all this pomp and circumstance, we all know he's never going to prison. So what's the point? Leave that man alone.

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