Thursday, July 11, 2024

Simon Threatens to Sue Porsha Over ED Claims

This week The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Porsha Williams hit her estranged husband, Simon Goubadia, below the belt after implying he suffered from erectile disfunction [click here if you missed that].

Now Simon is threatening to sue...


R in NYC said...

Listen sir, if you can't get it up or keep it is what it is.😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Something tells me it's true. Otherwise, he could get another woman to prove Porsha wrong, but he'd rather go to court. 😂😂😂

No Chiraq said...

Porsha CAN be sued for releasing his health condition without permission.
Being shady can hurt the savings.
Ala, TashaK

Anonymous said...

Iono why he keep insulting her intelligence. We all already knew she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but he still married her tf.

Anonymous said...

Time for Porsha to grow up and leave this man alone that she is divorcing and move back into her own home. Stating what she said makes her look like a gold digger because she was bragging before how he was the love of her life and now he's this. So why did you marry him? She needs someone to tell her it's time to stop and move on before it gets even worst for her.

Anonymous said...

He just needs to bow out gracefully. He’s weak and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

He called her names. Where's the ex wife? She has receipts too. He's embarrassed. What else can he do besides admit it.
All for ratings y'all.

Anonymous said...

Hot dogs will holla

Anonymous said...

Unless she @'d him ain't ish he can do. Prime 'hit dog' example.

Anonymous said...

What immaturity looks like.

Anonymous said...

Sued for what? She didn't even identify who she was talking about but he just confirmed it with his response. Limp noodle. I hope she's getting plenty of good Vitamin D because it can put you right to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 4:32 she never said his name

Anonymous said...

Porsha done met her match. Call that man old if you want to but he keeping up wit her u derground railroad looking aazz!

Anonymous said...

LOL how did Porsha think she could out scam a Nigerian? How? He probably hired people to say they were his family and that is not even his real name.

Anonymous said...

She's clowning his manhood and he's basically calling her dumb, yet they got married and pretended it was complete bliss. This is why I don't follow or admire nobody else's relationship.

Anonymous said...

Does this fool really have his IG name as DOCTOR (Dr.) Simon? Doctor of what? Scamology?

Anonymous said...

this is legit funny, thx for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

According to a friend of my younger brother, the $700 is nothing in comparison to the millions he has given to Ukraine. Why? We require it, she replied. Because vs03 we don’t know why, it must be it. We possess citizenship.
Click the link…………………. GOOGLE WORK 

Anonymous said...

ED is normal for men his age. The pills work very well so who cares!

Anonymous said...

Hit dogs always holla.

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