Monday, July 15, 2024

Shantel Admits She Wanted Space From Nelly

Three years ago rapper Nelly and Instagram model, Shantel Jackson, called it quits after a seven year romance [click here if you missed that].

Shantel admits she left Nelly because she needed space...

During a recent TikTok Live Shantel responded to Nelly break-up questions, admitting it was her idea to put space between them in hopes of revitalizing their relationship. 
@pressplaymediacompany #pressplay▶️: #ShantelJackson spoke on her breakup with #Nelly ♬ original sound - Press Play Media Company


Anonymous said...

That was enough room for Ashanti to slide in and scoop him up.

Anonymous said...

Shaddup and gone somewhere with your 50-11 boxing gloves tattooed. Let Ashanti be

R in NYC said...

Space....girl bye. You was tired of the cheating. Next!

Anonymous said...

She said a lot of NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

How many children does he have?

Kendall said...

She favors Ludacris wife Eudoxie.

LOLOL said...

Gurl you should have pulled that head band a little closer to your edges. The gray hair is showing.
Wasn't she a left over from Ray J or Floyd M?

Anonymous said...

She's trying to save face. The fact is she wanted to be married but Nelly was stringing her along. She should have thanked him for no longer wasting her time. Instead, she's feeling some shame because he ended up marrying Ashanti and a baby is on the way. That's got to sting.

No Chiraq said...
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No Chiraq said...

Nelly used your space giving ways to find a wife and start a family. Bye.

Anonymous said...

Ironic how not a single picture of her and Nelly shows him cheesing as hard as he's been lately, with Ashanti. Just shows you, when you find a good one, hold 'em tight! Nelly learned that lesson the first go 'round with Ashanti and he knew better than to lose her a second time. Remember how hard he fought to win her back? Showing up on stage during her shows and whatnot? Folks gotta stop treating love like a game and stop thinking that folks will always be there, where you left them. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Anonymous said...

She did right imo. Now she's freed up for a potentially good man. Y'all trippin acting like Nelly is such a catch. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

She's another one who realizes that she's getting older and that her window to find a long-term sponsor is getting shorter by the day. Folks really underestimate the sponsorship game. I knew a guy who said he wanted an old wyhte woman to take care of him, but I tolk him that he's too contrary and doesn't like being told what to do, for that kind of lifestyle. The difference between Shantel and Ashanti is that Ashanti got her own, so she's able to play by a different set of rules. Shantel just FAFOed.

Anonymous said...

She was a place holder until he was ready to make his wrongs right when he hopped, skipped and jump across that stage back to Ashanti. You live and learn girl.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pick me party in here. He just found a gal w/ a bigger bag...after he got Left.

Anonymous said...

Koonye wrote a whole album about the girl that dropped him b4 kim. Never did that for kim or his current. Leave em and let them burn.

Anonymous said...

Stop, girl. Take your loss quietly.

Anonymous said...

Girl goodbye we don't care that you supposedly left stop speaking on someone else's husband. Instead let's talk about you being an industry pass around that Floyd Mayweather spent thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to make you look presentable.

Anonymous said...

I ❤️ those two together, Nelly and Ashanti

Anonymous said...

We are so mean. Can y’all leave this woman alone. Most people have an ex..that moved on, got married, and had a child. etc…. Girl go live your best life. You owe us NOTHING.

Y’all act like you came from perfect unions, parents, and homes. So critical.

Anonymous said...

While I applaud her for realizing she needed space, over two years ago, this is giving completely bothered. She could've kept the fake unfazed schtick to herself.

Anonymous said...

5:51, somebody must have struck a nerve. Didn't nobody mention having married parents or a perfect relationship. And nobody is sweating exes in here. Who hurt you, boo?

Anonymous said...

Nellly got tired of pretty with no bag. Ashanti is perfect for him, pretty, bigger bag and a sweetheart. Nelly won this time

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