Friday, July 26, 2024

Rihanna's Ex Publicist Recalls Making Up Rihanna Jay Z Romance Claims

Nearly ten years ago Rihanna's former publicist admitted and apologized for starting rumors that Jay Z and Rihanna were secretly dating in an effort to jump start Rihanna's career [click here if you missed that]. 

The rumors have resurfaced and the former publicist has been forced to again set the record straight...

From All Hip Hop  
Speaking to AllHipHop, Jonathan Hay explained what was going through his head when he decided to drum up the rumor about Rihanna and JAY-Z’s affair. As he puts it, he was angry with JAY-Z at the time and in no way, shape or form was concerned with the repercussions.
“When I executed this controversial publicity and marketing campaign for Rihanna’s debut single, she was an unknown artist and I was hungry for a hit, and I knew that ‘Pon de Replay’ was a special song,” he tells us. “I had direct access to JAY-Z back then from working with Amil, the female rap artist on a couple of JAY-Z’s biggest hit records at the time.
“Industry executive Kevin Skinner, who was in a high-profile legal battle with Whitney Houston, was the person who introduced me to the debut Rihanna project and to one of the ‘Pon de Replay’ producers. I was hired to promote ‘Pon de Replay’ and I wrote Rihanna’s first press release. I devised a plan to pitch Rihanna as JAY-Z’s latest protégé on Def Jam to MTV News. I reached out to my contact at MTV and she published a small news item on Rihanna on March 17, 2005, which was RiRi’s first big press.”
But Hay was baffled by the lack of response. MTV, which was hugely influential back then, failed to spark any more press.
“This initial trigger set everything in motion, and I tried to utilize the MTV press link to promote ‘Pon de Replay’ to other media sources,” he continues. “There was nobody bigger than MTV at that time, but even still, no other press was picking up the ‘Pon de Replay’ story and I was striking out left and right.
“I started to get desperate and I was so angry at JAY-Z as he was more focused on Teairra Marí and there was all this talk that he was pursuing a rapper named Lady Sovereign, who he ended up signing months later. Not to mention, JAY-Z was constantly dissing Amil, who had quit the music industry and was living in North Carolina at the time raising her children.
“So I was like f### JAY-Z, since he won’t give us any attention and he’s being disrespectful to Amil, who was a single mother. I’m going to get his attention and be disrespectful back to JAY-Z, as Rihanna was the best thing on Def Jam by far. I thought JAY-Z was a dirtbag, so I put out the story that JAY-Z was in a love triangle with Rihanna and Beyoncé—and that caught fire, sparked conversation, increased radio airplay, press coverage and other forms of attention. I was in an unapologetic ‘by any means necessary’ state of mind.”


Anonymous said...

I love Rih’s hairstyle, but Bey… I guess that’s one of her country singing outfits.

Snitch got jokes today.

Shafrika Lights said...

Damage control

Anonymous said...

whateva, he's saying too much of nothing. this story is in itself a publicity drive.

Anonymous said...

And yet both females work with the same producers and artists…yet have NEVER collaborated together on music. And now they’re competing in the hair industry. So is it true, or did their publicist run with the love triangle to boost interest in all 3? Hmmm. 🤔

Anonymous said...

I clicked here if you missed that four times on RWS on this story. Funny.

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

Black Ball him from the business. Thirsty needs a lesson out back.

Anonymous said...

Don't open a can of 🐛 worms too much evidence to bring this trio down 🤢🗞️🐂🤬👿👺👹 plus a Diddy 🤕🤜dude

Anonymous said...

I remember when he admitted this YEARS ago. I think he only came out an admitted it when there was a picture of Rhianna and Beyonce at some event hugged up on each other. Rhianna wasn't a billionaire then I think it was right when she was pretty much broke and then got her lifeline, that LVMH contract. It proved their was no beef between them. Beyonce has always said she liked Rhianna and played a part in Jay signing her. Bey and Rhi didn't care about the rumors because they knew it wasn't true, but it gave them BOTH PR and Jay was taking both their money and the fans played right in to it.💯💵😒

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

On Rude Boy Rih and Beyodel have collaborated on a song together. Check your facts.

Jcee said...

He said a whole bunch of nothing but I’m willing to believe it because we know the ppl plant fake stories all the time and the blogs be in on it! But sir to act like none of the parties involved was none the wiser is CRAZY! Of you played that story Jay z knew bey knew and rhi knew! Otherwise you would have been without a job and sued!! So stop it with the I did it because I didn’t like Jayz

Dwight said...

Lol nobody cared about rih or saw her as special back then even Jay was focused on Teairra. Dats a Cinderella story if ever one was real.

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