Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rihanna Gives Up on Her Summer Six-Pack Goal

Rihanna gives up on her summer six-pack goal and instead focuses on matching her shoes to her panties...


Anonymous said...

No one cares about a 6 pack

LOLOL said...

Slow news day.

Anonymous said...

Is there a point to this?

R in NYC said...

I noticed something odd going on with this site and Sandra Rose. Lots of posts about white celebs, politics and silly posts like this. What's really going on especially with the disappearing comments?

Anonymous said...

@10:31am Yes I noticed as well. Especially Sandra Rose I am about to stop viewing sites like a few of my coworkers to protect my own peace.

Anonymous said...

Instead of talking about it just do it!!
No need to announce, you won’t be missed!!

Anonymous said...

There was Some Super Creepy Hackertype Comments on the Ka$h Doll Post. I'm kinda Cautious visiting Snitch Now. Blogsot is Full of Trojans & Worms & Such.

No Chiraq said...

Has SandraRose been sold? The blog posts and accompanying captions are bitter and hostile

Anonymous said...

^I go there every blue moon and it's always bitter and hostile. I thought that's how they like it.

Anonymous said...

10:48. Let's start with you. Bye troll!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:31 I posted something similar months ago and you replied that I should just enjoy the the blog or move on. I wonder what prompted your change of heart considering this blogger has been deleting random inoffensive comments for the past two years and also posting about Trump and other right wing content 🤔. Did snitch delete something you wrote? Most followers of RWS clocked the change and left. I visit once or twice a month.

Anonymous said...

What mother/lady shows their underwear. It’s definitely a type. Not the type I like though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not particularly a fan of the school girl look on grown women. It has a ring of pedophilia to it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. My distaste in school girl store on grown women comment was deleted.
I still don’t like these outfits. Her tooting her skirt up in the back is why.

Anonymous said...

*school girl atire*

Anonymous said...

40 is almost upon us late 80s babies. This outfit is not it. Leave it to the kids.

Anonymous said...

Ri knows how to laugh at herself and I love it!! Unlike the insufferable yodeler RiRi is entertaining to watch grow up and glow up!!

Anonymous said...

11:07 Rih is past her grow up and has had her glow up. You acting like this is some tender baby chick. She's lost her looks.

Oh na na payola said...

When no hit song gotta look for attention by showing ya small behind 🤷🏿‍♀️

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