Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Ray J Continues to Alarm His Fans

This week Ray J spoke about having suicidal thoughts after not being allowed back into the BET Awards after stepping outside for a break [click here if you missed that].

Last night Ray shared a series of pictures on social media with tears streaming down his face...

And then an announcement for his 'last' listening session. 


LOLOL said...

Attention, attention, attention, attention. Do it already. The world want miss you.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Ray J but I don't want him to off himself.

He needs to get into therapy and off the internet. Today.

Anonymous said...

Please don't do it, waking up is an underserved blessing. Seems like things from his past is haunting him, I hope he gets the help he needs, and compassion from others.

R in NYC said...

When you sell your soul to the demons of Hollyweird and you can't find peace.
Tell it to Whitney's ghost.
Nobody curr.

mil262 said...

Him and Amanda Seales moaning and groaning over not being admitted into a party. GROW UP

Anonymous said...

I see Whitney's spirit not letting up on him for the part he played in her demise. And his mind is leaving him, just like Kanye's, for helping those K witches get on. Oh well, stayed prayed up entitled man child. That's about your only option you have left in this spiritual warfare you yourself caused. 💯🎯

Anonymous said...

He's using the sympathy card to manipulate people.

Anonymous said...

Seems like whatever was going on in the dark is coming to light. Suicide ain’t the resolution tho. You persevere.

Anonymous said...

You can't leave to do drugs then come back in

Anonymous said...

In that 3rd pic down, that canine tooth looks like the ninja is about to shapeshift into a vampire.

Anonymous said...

Word is getting out that he's always in the area of someone's downfall (Wendy) or demise (Whitney) and he can't deal. He needs help. Mental anguish is the worst.

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Lynny said...

4:39 lol 😆 you called it!!
Whatever on Ray j. He’s soooo depressed that he can announce a listening session after all the antics. Please and shame on yall if you fall for his shhiiii…..I’ll save my prayers for real issues in my life and my loved ones. Fck Ray j.

Anonymous said...

That is the problem with these pseudo celebs they some how think they can serve two masters on some get in, get out. Now Whitney is on this fools top. Money cannot help him, he never thought anyone would know because that is what they told him.

Anonymous said...

In this year of exposure, Ray is worried about all of his dirt being aired out. Should have just ate his chips instead of speaking on other peoples demons. Now is demons are tearing him up.

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