Friday, July 19, 2024

Rachel Lindsay's Ex Talks Divorce Trauma

Earlier this year The Bachelorette's Rachel Lindsay's husband, Bryan Abasolo, filed for divorce after five years of marriage [click here if you missed that]. 

Last night Bryan thanked his divorce coach for helping him through the psychological trauma and PR tricks...


LOLOL said...

Oh, he's playing this game up. I guess she forgot she found him on TV. No acting degree but professional scammer can be added to the resume. His doctor degree is worth nothing at this point. Who's going to hire or see him as a patient unless they are a scammer too.

Anonymous said...

Rachel gir!! l you got ssam big time

Anonymous said...

He wanted to be famous and thought his star power would take off but it never did. Instead, Rachel got all the deals and media jobs that he wanted. He has a failed chiropractic practice because he was focusing more on trying to be famous but all of it took a nosedive. Now that they're divorced, he's going to continuously feed the press to get the attention he's always craved. Someone should have told him no one likes a man who behaves like a scorned woman.

Anonymous said...

She got exactly what she deserved. Scammer got outscammed.

Anonymous said...

I never watched the show and only know about these two from reading about their drama on this but but that's a good analysis @3:36 PM. I can see that being the case because people who go on reality TV are usually looking for notoriety and fame. He comes off as a loser and a crybaby just off the strength of being a failed doctor with no practice who's suing his ex for alimony. What kind of weak man is he? Then he runs to SM acting like he's a victim. Yup. Sounds like a scammer to me.

R in NYC said...

It's no fun being Halle Berry'd.

Anonymous said...

This is girl an attorney she should have put a prenuptial agreement in place

Anonymous said...

He really ain't sh-t.

Anonymous said...

She’s lucky the alimony is temporary.

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