Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Rachel Lindsay's Estranged Husband Denies Texting Divorce Plans

In her divorce filing The Bachelorette, Rachel Lindsay, claimed her estranged husband, Bryan Abasolo, callously notified her of his plans to divorce via text message [click here if you missed that]. 

Bryan denies the claims...

From People
Bryan Abasolo is providing new evidence in his latest response to his estranged wife, Rachel Lindsay's filing.
In new court documents obtained by PEOPLE, the chiropractor, 44, tells his side of the story as he claims the former Bachelorette lead, 39, wasn't "surprised or shocked" by his decision to divorce.
When Lindsay submitted her responsive declaration to Abasolo's filing, she claimed that she discovered his decision to terminate their marriage "via text message" in late June. She alleged that Abasolo sent her a message that "simply read, 'Hey ... I just wanted to let you know that I officially filed'" 30 minutes after he left their shared home.
Now, Abasolo claims that Lindsay "fails to disclose" that he sent her a text message stating his intentions to move their separation to "the next step" before filing for divorce.
“Rachel, walking in to the room because I didn’t reply to your text per your timeline then raise your voice for not getting the immediate answer you want is the kind of one-sided controlling aspects of our relationship which has brought us to this point," the message began. "My inability to communicate, as you’ve called it, is to prevent these kinds of reactions. It often feels like you must have what you want without considering any state of mind I’m in."
He continued, "I’m sorry for not replying to your text but honestly, I don’t really want to be on the receiving end of your wordsmithing anymore. I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to. I want to regain some aspect of my self-respect back."
"Please, let’s keep future communications in writing (written down on paper, email, text) to prevent any additional friction as we move to the next step," the text concluded. "We can speak in the future in the presence of a neutral party or something. Right now, I just can’t do it. I haven’t been able to for a while. Respectfully. Good night.”


Anonymous said...

So she is actually toxic doing all that neck rolling and ish. White man said nope, I’m not not doing this! 😂😂

R in NYC said...

Lol....she got all "Shaqueesha from da hood" on him and he couldn't deal.
When marrying for TV ratings goes wrong.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people?

Anonymous said...

Girl, it was a business deal. He wants to cash out. Lesson learned, never marry without a pre-nup.

Anonymous said...

He used "officially filed" in the text he sent to her, which would mean that they clearly spoke about divorcing. She picked him and now she needs to deal with that horrible decision. He wanted the opportunities that came with being on the show and they never appeared for him. Now he's tired of waiting around.

Anonymous said...

Married..means..NOT ALONE

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