Tuesday, July 30, 2024

R. Kelly Takes His Case to the Supreme Court

Two years ago Grammy Award winning singer / songwriter R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison for human trafficking and violating the Mann Act [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Kellz is trying to have his conviction overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court...

From TMZ
R. Kelly is asking the United States Supreme Court to throw out his convictions for possession of child corn and inducing minors to have six – claiming his alleged acts occurred decades ago and the charges were therefore barred by the statute of limitations.
Here's the deal ... when R. Kelly was accused in 2020 of possessing child cornography and engaging in sixual acts with underage girls way back in the mid to late-1990s, he argued the statute of limitations had already run its course.
But, prosecutors argued a 2003 law – called the PROTECT Act – made the statute of limitations indefinite for child six crimes.
Basically, Kelly's attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, argues that because the conduct for which Kelly's now serving time occurred in the '90s but the PROTECT Act wasn't passed until 2003, the Act's expanded statute of limitations doesn't apply to the charges against him.
The PROTECT Act extends the statute of limitations indefinitely for alleged crimes committed AFTER the law went into effect in 2003, but Congress specifically didn't include a clause allowing the law to be applied to alleged conduct committed BEFORE 2003.
You'll recall, Kelly was convicted of six of 13 counts back in 2020 -- three for child cornography and three for inducement counts.
He received a 20-year sentence and was ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages to his alleged victims.
The Supreme Court will decide in the next few months whether to hear Kelly's appeal.


Anonymous said...

Lmaooooo Let me guess next he's gonna endorse....nevermind.

Vernell said...

I Believe, R Kelly Was A Despicable Man Based On What I Heard About The Way Those Women Lived With Him... My Only Problem With His Case Was, THE WOMEN WERE "ADULT" VOLUNTEERS!!! That Chose To Stay Living With Him Under Those Deplorable Conditions... They Could Have Left...

Anonymous said...

Based on who's currently on the bench he might get lucky. At least half the panel hates Black women or are ok with letting criminals off the hook.

R in NYC said...

He needs to accept the fact his goose is cooked. He's done! Ain't no getting out!

Anonymous said...

The way R Kelly had us HS girls in a chokehold in the early 2000s needs to be studied. Dude really was the pied piper. These young women walked right into his trap and woke up stuck. Imagine if Aaliyah or Sparkle’s niece wasn’t famous or tied to famous people?! They probably would’ve been stuck into adulthood with him too!

Unfortunately he was settled with some of his victims when all this came to light, and didn’t have any evidence of still fooling with underage girls after his pied piper days, so dude might just get out. Smh

LOLOL said...

Nope, just rot in there and sing love songs to the trannies. They will take good care of you. lOLO

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to due process. However, this pedophile needs to sit da fuk down!

Anonymous said...

What 12:18 said!

Anonymous said...

If what was just presented is true, then he has a strong possibility of that guilty verdict being overturned. Why are people being convicted of crimes beyond the statute of limitations? Why didn't his attorney argue this in court the first time?

Anonymous said...

Six Republicans on the SCOTUS; and they have pedos on their party, so, he might get off, especially if he pays pff Uncle Clarence

Anonymous said...

Welp, Harvey Weinstein got his conviction overturned on a technicality, why not R. Pissy? Plus SCOTUS is MAGA and they love to support criminals and convicts so yeah, it might just happen.

R in NYC said...

Cuz R is broke. He doesn't have Weinstein money.

No Chiraq said...

Kelly earns 2-3 million from his masters annually. Google it.

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