Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prince Harry Fearful for Megan Markle's Safety in the UK

Prince Harry explains why he is hesitant to bring his wife and children back to the UK...

Meghan Markle went from being a working actress to a member of the British royal family, but the scrutiny she recieved from the public became a cause for concern for the Duchess of Sussex and her husband, Prince Harry.
“It’s still dangerous, and all it takes is one lone actor, one person who reads this stuff to act on what they have read,” Harry said in the Tabloids on Trial documentary, which premiered on Thursday, July 25. “And whether it’s a knife or acid, whatever it is, and these are things that are of genuine concern for me. It’s one of the reasons why I won’t bring my wife back to this country.”
The Suits star hasn't spent time in the U.K. since Queen Elizabeth's 2022 funeral, and Harry often credits security concerns for the reason why Meghan and their two kids, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, don't travel to London.
In Harry & Meghan, the mom-of-two became emotional about the British headlines painting her as mean and divisive.
"You are making people want to kill me," Meghan said with tears in her eyes. "It's not just a tabloid. It's not just some story. You are making me scared."'
"That night, to be up and down in the middle of the night looking down my hallway like, are we safe? Are the doors locked? Is security on? That's real! Are my babies safe?" the duchess asked.


Anonymous said...

I don't blame him after how his mother was treated.

Anonymous said...

Yawn! Please, let this moron go away! Have they finished making their jam and dog biscuits? Grifters!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. Are they still around?

R in NYC said...

I see the obvious British trolls showed up like clockwork 😂😂😂.
Listen, Harry knows they hate her half black azz. He has legit concerns. She's safest in America.

Anonymous said...

Harry's mom was murdered. Same thing would happen to his wife if he wasn't paying attention.

LOLOL said...

The same ppl that are over there moved here and killed off the Indians only to take their land, enslaved Black ppl and still have a hold on colonies that have ppl of color and want let go.
That's a long sentence I know.

Anonymous said...

The king and queen of whining...rinse and repeat. Just go away already with the jam and dog biscuits! Entitled jerks!

Anonymous said...

Markle is not black and has never claimed to be black till she messed herself up and expects the black community to fight for her. Where are her black friends? People like her, Obama and Harris love gaslighting black people

Anonymous said...

11:35 is not Blk.

R in NYC said...

11:35 and half the commenters are white British trolls who pop up here just to slam Meg. That Google alert goes out and they come running! Hey idiots we don't care about the Un-royal family like you fools in England.

Anonymous said...

King and queen of dog biscuits.....

Shafrika Lights said...

Wow, now they want us to believe she is scared people want to kill her? She's delusional! Noone would waste their time. The only one who has a motive is Harry himself, lol! She ruined his name and reputation tonthenpoint he cant have a peaceful return home. That's not the tabloids that's them both lying to everyone for sympathy and getting caught. Unbelievable they are still trying it. He should just go home on his own 3 months out the year. He got an Auntie in Australia and deep connections in South Africa. Build a second and third life there.

Anonymous said...

WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT DUCHESS DOG BISCUTS AND HER DRUG ADDICT PRINCE. 💯 Beyonce the Queen Bey who has a fake title out here with the Olympic team standing strong. Report on her. Queen Rhi out here making billion dollar moves, report on her, we will even take Queen Bee Little Kim or Queen Nikki or Empress Cardi. All these people with fake titles are more royal than these two grifters. 💯🎯🤡🤡

Anonymous said...

2 birds

Anonymous said...

2 Dumb Drifter Grifter Birds that will do anything and sell anybody out for some PR. Snitch we told you we don't need to see these two EVER grifters EVER. Focus on Black people that actually are doing something with their life instead of thirsting for the spotlight all the d@mn time.

Anonymous said...

British people, particularly the English can be extremely cruel. God knows Meghan was a welcome diligent clear breath of fresh air. Sadly, the Establishment worked dirty with the media. The Holy Bible says “envy is the rottenness of bones.” One would have thought that the evil trolls and their elk should have enough to deal with as is, especially with the dreadful demonic negative spirits running through the royal family. Sarah Duchess of York, King Charles and Catherine Princess of Wales all having to battle with different cancers, certain British “subjects” still haven’t learnt that it’s far better to be kind and live and let live as it’s only God who knows what tomorrow will bring. We still don’t know the true affliction of Charles and Catherine - better for people to stop spewing evil and start praying for the wellness of others. God will not be mocked. Where ever Prince Harry, his Princess and their family are, God will always watch over them.

Anonymous said...

@11:48 Girl God is like why bring me into this??? God is TRUTH, those two grifters are liars.

Harry takes NO responsibility for his lies. He said he left with nothing. Lies he had the muti -millions his mom left him plus now it has come out his "Papa" gave them MILLIONS as well. He wrote about his brother's private parts. What type of pyscho does that and then wonder why his brother won't talk to him. They lied on Kate as the dress designer came out told the truth on what happened. They played the race card on us, knowing how bad racial relations are here in America.

All while Meghan has NEVER claimed to be black, certainly not in the acting world. Google Suits Tv show and you will see that other chick Gina Torres was their first person of color not Meghan. Meghan was still passing/claiming for white. She only claimed her mixedness for PR when she wanted to stand out with the Royals and even in her own interview with Mariah Carey she states she is not black and never wanted to be treated as a black woman. Just like Amber Rose who said the said thing. She is not a black woman, by her own voice,so it is so weird that you still have black people who ride for Meghan just because they claim she's black, when she not even claiming to be one of us. Just using her half black for PR when it suits her.

They claimed the royal family was racists and the took it back and claimed they never said that, and his family were NOT racists. We are not stupid, we heard what we heard. Stand on what you said Harry, don't lie now and say you and Meghan never said or implied it. Meanwhile Harry was the one running around in a Nazi uniform.

They claimed the kids wouldn't get titles because of being mixed, lies again. Said his daddy wouldn't see him when we find out his daddy offered for him to stay there and see him but Harry didn't want to. Said Kate was racist because she wouldn't share a lipgloss, who knows where Meghan's lips have been. People don't share personal items like that, there ain't no cure for herpes. They just lie and know those stuffy old royals can't say anything, but these two just keep getting caught lying. That's the problem...You can't throw stones and then get mad and play victim when it comes back that you are the one who threw them.🎯

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