Friday, July 12, 2024

Porsha's Ex Mocks Her Estranged Husband's Alleged ED Issues

This week The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Porsha Williams' estranged husband, Simon Guobadia, threatened to sue her after she implied he was suffering from erectile disfunction [click here if you missed that].

Dennis McKinnley, Porsha's ex and father of her child, mocks Simon's alleged issue...

After the ED claims went viral, Dennis shared a post on Instagram mocking the condition with the caption, "remember always give HD [head], not ED [erectile disfunction] 💵 [money] not enough my boy," with Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me," playing in the background. 


Anonymous said...

If it really didn’t apply to me, I’d be pissed too. If it did apply, I think he would try to laugh it off or act like it’s nothing.

LOLOL said...

His turn will come too. When he gets older.

Anonymous said...

Dennis better shut up, he's getting older and it could happen to him.

Anonymous said...

Dennis better shut up, he's getting older and it could happen to him.

Anonymous said...

Lmao that's what Simon get for constantly bothering Porsha.

Anonymous said...

Shaddup Simon. Nobody's laughing at the disease, they're laughing cuz of you! You chose to start the war and call your ex wife a witch when you sir look clearly like a warlock.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Simon! It's obvious you were suffering from ED because you were online posting insults like a female. Real Men don't behave like that. Let's keep it real, most of these guys online who are constantly claiming to D'ing down lots of women usually have ED and they have a deep hatred of women because of it. They can't get it up because they're diabetic or have other health issues. Watch these chauvinistic men because they either have small pee-pees or it stays soft.

Anonymous said...

It's funny to scroll up and see everyone tell Simon to shut up! LMAO!!! We're all sick of his whimpering.

Anonymous said...

Yet and still, she still married him. It’s important to date/court. Porsha could’ve saved herself a lot of headache by saying that man instagram of marrying him.

Anonymous said...

Didnt some IG model make fun of Dennis
intimacy or intimate male parts or something?
Said his drawers or something wasnt
"allegedly" clean or something ?

Dennis need to stay out Porsha
and Simon's marriage divorce

Fallyn can get involved bcus Porsha
did her really dirty by coming
to her house and swimming in her pool
While Fallyn was still involved with Simon

But Dennis need to mind his own business

Anonymous said...

lol! No surprise Dennis is cheerleading this bulls**t. While bantering about ED, let’s just state for the records that a lot of women are so self absorbed that they lack the ability to arouse their men. It takes more than big boobs and a large rear to keep a man interested.

Anonymous said...

Dennis should keep the laughs to himself because it can affect him too. I know three very athletic, healthy, drug-free men who suffer from it so none of you ninjas is safe, especially after 50.

Anonymous said...

Dennis really. Age changes everything.

Anonymous said...

Again will someone say why these adults are acting up in sm streets. Too grown for this.

Anonymous said...

Dennis. Be quiet. You didn’t marry her.

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