Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Paramount Prepares to Sell BET

Last year media mogul Tyler Perry called Paramount's bidding process for the sale of BET disrespectful after trying to unload the network for $3 billion [click here if you missed that].

Now Paramount is parting with BET for less than $2 billion...

From Variety
Paramount Global’s trio of co-CEOs have publicly said they’ve hired bankers to evaluate the sale of certain assets. Industry speculation has swirled around BET, which has been the target of acquisition offers in the past.
Now Paramount Global is engaged in exclusive discussions to sell BET in a deal valued at $1.6 billion-$1.7 billion to “buyers that include” BET CEO Scott Mills and Chinh Chu, founder of private-equity firm CC Capital, Bloomberg reported, citing anonymous sources. The BET Media Group comprises the BET cable channel, VH1 and other networks; the BET+ streaming service; and BET Studios.


Anonymous said...


Shafrika Lights said...

They saw the award show and said nomore ratchet drama.

R in NYC said...

Those EBT awards definitely sealed the deal. Nothing but negative reviews.

Anonymous said...

They refuse to sell it to a black ownership group.

LOLOL said...

$3.50 cent. Get rid of everybody. Top heads, that's the problem. Dodo Diddy is out so Tyler put up your bid. Most of your shows are on there already.

Anonymous said...

@10:21 They just don't want to sell it to Tyler because Scott Mills is Black.

Anyway, I'll never forgive BET for ruining VH1.

mil262 said...

BET could go off the air today and I wouldn't be sad or miss it.

Anonymous said...

Screw BET, it’s clearly been tainted.

Anonymous said...

Screw BET, it’s clearly been tainted.

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