Friday, July 26, 2024

Oprah and Gayle Deny Longstanding Relationship Rumors

For years there have been whispers that best friends Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King were secretly in a lesbian relationship [click here if you missed that].

Oprah and Gayle shut down the rumors once and for all...


Anonymous said...


R in NYC said...

Imma need both of them to go somewhere and shaddup. Stevie Wonder can see they are muffin eaters. Next!

Anonymous said...

That’s a ugly thought

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who cares, really?

Anonymous said...

You all must never had a friendship. Ain't no gay vibes here.

LOLOL said...

Some ppl don't know how to be a trusting friend. Too many crabs in the barrel to have a loving and caring friendships. I have several. No gay intentions there.

Anonymous said...

Y'all stooopid. You can have friends and still see these two are closeted lovers.

Anonymous said...

^Your Ms Cleo crystal ball is cloudy. Stop looking for gay connections when there are non.

Anonymous said...

ITES,GOLD,&GREEN. Loving would B Easy if Their Colors Were Like My Dreams.

Anonymous said...

They are NOT going to admit to that. Oprah would never. But Gayle would, because she needs the attention.

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