Thursday, July 04, 2024

Nicki Minaj Threatens to Go on Hiatus

This week rapper Nicki Minaj lashed out at her former manager, Deb Anteny, after Deb publicly admitted trying to mediate the beef between Nicki and her arch rival Lil Kim [click here if you missed that].

Now Nicki is threatening her fans with a hiatus and placing the blame on Deb...


Anonymous said...

Ain't that what kids do though, act out and have a tantrum?

Anonymous said...

Girl, bye!

K said...

Please go.

Anonymous said...

You want be missed!🤣

Anonymous said...

Nicki who?

Anonymous said...

So an alleged "grown" woman is blaming another grown woman for her behavior? She more childish an stupid than I thought.

LOLOL said...

I don't understand the issue with NM has with Kim. She has some real F,ked up values and standards.
Deb has her problems with a simple @$$ son that chases approval of an ex-president that's a felon.

Anonymous said...

Bye Nikki! You “won’t” be missed. Not want.

Anonymous said...

Smells of desperation - she aged out of this game years ago.

Anonymous said...

She can’t afford to go on hiatus. She’s already too old.

R in NYC said...

Keeps taking L's.
No wonder she's allegedly hooked on drugs and having serious mood swings. Too much pent up anger.

Anonymous said...


Jcee said...

Please go remember you did it before and no one was looking for you. 😂

Anonymous said...

Nicky stay looking for a reason to bow out of a game she is no longer fit to play.

Anonymous said...

She may be getting old but competition is not stiff that’s why she acts out.

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