Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Megan Thee Stallion and Quavo Appear at Kamala Harris Campaign Rally

Yesterday Kamala Harris held her first presidential campaign rally in Atlanta, GA [click here if you missed that]. 

Rapper Megan Thee Stallion and Quavo both made appearances...


Shafrika Lights said...

This is sickening amd shameful. Politicians and Celebrities in bed together. The end is near! TI would never endorse a black woman who put black men in prison. I see why MTS is endorsing her. RFK Jr. all the way!

Royal said...
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Anonymous said...

I see why some people don't vote.

Anonymous said...

When Meg met Thotty K! You'll never see the Democrats do a rally with Asian azz clappers. Indian azz clappers. Jewish azz clappers. Only the subjugated pawns they hustle every election cycle.

R in NYC said...

This is so cringe. Do their fans even vote?

Anonymous said...

They went for a free show.

Anonymous said...

This is so embarrassing. I guess she will bring out her sorority sisters to buck dance next.

Anonymous said...

"The Culture" is a Poor Choice 4 a Political Partner.

Anonymous said...

Oooowee, bots are out today! Go Kamala!

Anonymous said...

Me looking for the video that have y’all clutching y’all pearls 🤔😒

Anonymous said...

Politicians like her align with celebs of a certain demographic (Blacks) to get the votes they need and then move on. And when those same people they pander to complain about the issues that affect their demographic not being addressed, they're basically told to suck it up because this about what's best for the country and not just Black people. Shucking and jiving at its best. Nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

This is disgraceful. Does she have any black people on staff because this was an epic fail. Insulting and low class. Many educated well known black people could have vouched for her and showed up at this convention. What a joke.

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