Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meagan Good Clears Up Michael Ealy Narrative

Over the weekend video went viral of actor Michael Ealy seemingly ignoring Jonathan Majors to sweep Meagan Good into a bear hug lifting her off the ground.

Meagan sets the record straight...


LOLOL said...

That's a keekee for me. Make sure you defend him when he pops you upside the head. That's if he hasn't done that already.

R in NYC said...

There really was no need to respond. These celebs care too much about what others think of them.

Anonymous said...

Uh Huh 🙌🏿

Tell Yo Self 💅🏿

Anonymous said...

People like Spicebae make me sick with their quickness to spread negativity. My people are toxic AF! I’m at the point where I’m seeing black women deserve to be treated like shyt!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get a room

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

@ 2:03 I’m at the point where I’m seeing black women deserve to be treated like shyt!

Your out of order.

If you had said that about Dodo Diddy or Dump then I would agree.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to be lied upon?

Anonymous said...

Well, stop being so messy!

LOLOL said...

I like being messy. That's why some of us come on here for. Just like you, coming on here to read and wright the mess too. Alllllright.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and that messiness ruin others lives. When you’re willing to spread false narratives you go above and beyond to do more. It’s no wonder the respect you think you deserve isn’t given to you.

Anonymous said...

I want her to stop talking now. All these interviews trying to convince folks she’s in love with that man of hers…ok girl we get it!

Anonymous said...

It is not us she's trying to convince

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