Monday, July 22, 2024

Marvin Winans Shares Cancer Testimony

Pastor Marvin Winans testifies about his cancer diagnosis and how he was cured by his faith in God...

In a recent sermon Pastor Winans shared his bladder cancer diagnosis and how his faith in God removed all doubt that he would be healed. 



Anonymous said...

I guess Congressmen Sheila Jackson didn’t have faith in God. Church people are something else!

LOLOL said...

His faith and Chemotherapy.

R in NYC said...

I survived my cancer through surgery. My faith is that it won't come back somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

This is why I don't mess with church no more, too many people want to look like they're elevated and more loved by God than you. Like someone already mentioned, he should talk about how God blessed the hands and the brains of the doctors who treated him. Testimonies are important because they give hope to people who need to hear them but most of the time, it's more self-serving arrogant behavior. Learn to give more than you take.

Anonymous said...

Huh??? Did I miss something? He got a cancer diagnosis after just coming out of anesthesia? This story is all over the place. Sounds like he's puffing. And sounds like he's claiming God healed him instead of the doctors. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

My loved one had cancer, believed in prayer and miracles and still died. It's infuriating when people talk about their faith saving them, as if other people didn't pray hard enough or weren't strong enough believers. Dude needs to watch his mouth, cancer can come back.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Faith is a superpower.

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