Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Marlon Wayans Fighting for Joint Custody of Secret Child

Back in March it was revealed that comedian Marlon Wayans secretly fathered a child during the pandemic after his baby mama sued him for child support [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Marlon is fighting for joint custody of his child...

Marlon Wayans' ex, Brittany Moreland, wants primary physical custody of their secret daughter, and naturally, the comedian is opposing it.
Wayans responded to his ex-partner's bid for primary physical custody of their child by advocating for joint physical and legal custody.
The legal tussle stems from Moreland's petition earlier this year in Los Angeles Superior Court, seeking to establish Wayans as the legal father and requesting primary custody.
In his retort, Wayans contested Moreland's request for him to cover all outstanding expenses related to her pregnancy and birth. He proposed instead that both parties share financial responsibility for these costs.
Court documents reveal that the 51-year-old has also urged the court not to grant Moreland's plea for him to cover her legal fees, insisting that each party should bear their own legal expenses.


Anonymous said...

Men use your brains more and you won't have to worry about woman coming after your pockets. You can get a pack of condoms for less than $10. Imagine that! I'm sure Marlon is getting to know his child and learning to love them but all of this could have been prevented.

Anonymous said...

First he wanted to hide the child now he wants custody. I think he'll do anything not to pay what he owes. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

He too old to be caught up in a custody battle for a SECRET kid. He 50+ moving like he's 22. He deserves all the grief that young chick is giving him.

No Chiraq said...

He's too mad to pay for pregnancy expenses & child support

Anonymous said...

I had a good comment but then this site reloaded and now I’m over it 😩

Malika said...

He wants custody of this child so he can mess her up, just like he messed up his other kids. At least the older kids had a mother in their lives to shield them from him and his narcissism.

R in NYC said...

Secret from who? His other baby mama? His other kids? Why did the child need to be kept a secret?

R in NYC said...

Secret from who? His other baby mama? His other kids? Why did the child need to be kept a secret?

Anonymous said...

2:38 I think people are saying it to just say it. He hardly exposed his kids and their mother back in the day unless it was a red carpet event and even then, most of the time he did that with his brothers. They gotta learn the difference between private and secret 😩

LOLOL said...

12:01 PM, That part. Playing Russian Roulette with a raw peen is his fault and her gain. Men don't learn from other men's mistakes. Sounds like you better get back out and sale some more comedy tickets.
Him and his brothers come from a loving two parent home, and they learned to H0e around having illegitimate kids.

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