Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa Finalize their Divorce

Back in January Lisa Bonet filed for divorce from Jason Momoa after 12 years together, five of them married, and two children [click here if you missed that].

The divorce is officially settled...

From Page Six 

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet are officially divorced.
A Los Angeles County judge’s dissolution of the marriage of the two actors, who had already been separated for years, took effect Tuesday.
Bonet and Momoa were married for more than seven years and were a couple for 12 years before they wed in 2017.
Bonet, whose legal name is Lilakoi Moon, filed for divorce in January.
The documents listed the couple’s separation date as Oct. 7, 2020, more than three years earlier. They made their separation public in 2022.
The divorce went as quickly as legally possible and came without dispute. Neither person will get financial support, they have agreed on how to split their assets, and they will have joint custody of their 16-year-old daughter, Lola, and 15-year-old son, Nakoa-Wolf.


R in NYC said...

Sucks 4 her I guess. Lisa is weird to me. Just something about her is just off.

LOLOL said...

She is simple. What other income does she have coming in. Those Cosby show pay checks are not that lucrative anymore. Oh, lawd. Black women stop being a door mat for men. He's continues to get big block buster acting roles.

No Chiraq said...

Lisa got too mad to legally separate from franchise dollars

Anonymous said...

Good for them.

What she get?

Anonymous said...

I’m calling Lisa Bonet tonight.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love how they settled with without a lot of drama. Hope both of them are happier.

Anonymous said...

Why are people watching her pockets?

Anonymous said...

She supported him when he was down, only to have him cheat and fuck up once he made it. Ladies do NOT invest in building these males. Men have no respect for women who build them up. They want to be the hero in their story and if they need a shero, he will leave her for reminding him of his own failure as a man.

Anonymous said...

Cosby made sure every one of those kids on his show were set for life. He had his people help them with long term investments. Ain't nobody waiting on some 40 year old residual check. They are all rich.

Anonymous said...

I love her spirit. She minds her own biz and got thru relationships with Lenny Kravitz and now this younger “star.”
She just doesn’t seem to want or need much so good for her.

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear that but they were definitely acting like adults so good for them on that.

Anonymous said...

11:58, that part. That's why we commented on her pockets. You don't let this Fck walk away with all his coins in check. Some of you are simple minded.

Anonymous said...

Cosby gave them investments??? They set for life? Sounds like fake news to me.

Anonymous said...

Cosby gave them investments??? They set for life? Sounds like fake news to me.

Anonymous said...

11:58am I think men secretly feel emasculated when a woman "builds them up" and when the man finally comes out on top, he cheats and acts out to reclaim his testicles. Some dudes are just trifling and that's why I would suggest making them sign an agreement to pay back with interest EVERYTHING you provided him for his journey. There is nothing wrong with believing in your man and helping to invest in him--but you really gotta look out for number 1 at the end of the day

Anonymous said...

Snitch U Could'a Fount A Better Picture of Lisa Bonet Than That. Lazy Heifer!

Anonymous said...

They are BOTH fine ♥️

Anonymous said...

Stop with the excuses. Men will cheat whether a woman builds them up or not, be a freak or not, bring peace to their home or not, etc., etc. etc. Men will cheat because they are hard-wired to cheat. There is an over-abundance of loose women in today's society. The non-cheaters are the exceptions to the rule.

Anonymous said...

Call me

Anonymous said...

Just because it isn't in court documents doesn't mean they don't have their own agreements of how he'll support the kids. They likely just don't want their finances in the streets. Folks kill me acting like they're owed access to complete strangers' lives.

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