Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Lil Mama Criticizes Niki Minaj's Influence

Rapper Lil Mama sparks a fierce debate after criticizing Nicki Minaj's influence on the current crop of female rappers...

Lil Mama was responding in the comment section of a post criticizing female rappers at the BET Awards. 


Anonymous said...

She has a point and I’ve said this for years. Foxy and Kim were diverse with their content and gave multiple variations and levels to female rap along with claiming their womanhood and taking ownership over their bodies in such a male dominated industry. Not saying Nicki didn’t do the same but I remember saying a few years ago how after her first album Nicki’s albums and content started to feel lazy and like easy cash grabs. Not to bash her either, but I honestly can see Lil’ Mamas point. I just listened to the Notorious KIM for the first time in its entirety the other week and you can honestly see the difference in the content Kim gave back then to what the new girls give today. I think another big part of it is kind of what Bow Wow said awhile ago about the importance of artistic development and grooming artist the way that Motown and Bad Boy did back in the day.

Anonymous said...

I get what she’s saying but lil Kim started it, and Nicki and the rest followed. However, I do like Lil Mama and I probably would’ve enjoyed the award show more if she did a medley of her own songs! Who remember the sausage song? 🤣

Anonymous said...

She's right. We know better. This not us. But outside groups will think our young women are ditzy barbie hoes.

Anonymous said...

The problem for me is a lack of variety now vs. then. Lauren Hill & Bahamadia were the counter balance to artists like Kim and Foxy. There was diversity in the music and you had options. I could rock to all four and enjoy it because they all brought something different to the table. Today it's all trash, all the time because the music execs won't let conscious female artists thrive simply because sex sells. Not to mentions it's always about money and catering to men.

Anonymous said...

The fact that these girls are willing to sell themselves for a few dollars and tacky jewelry has no bearing on me as a blk woman. What they eat don't make me poop. I have enough sense to know the way I speak and carry myself speaks about me, I could care less about who tries to classify or group all people together due to their skin color and judge based on individuals foolishness. The record companies know exactly what type of person is willing to exploit themselves.

R in NYC said...

She told no lies. Current female rappers are basically ratchet hookers with microphones.

LOLOL said...

If she feels that strongly about it, why didn't she get on stage to make an announcement. Ooohhh that didn't work out in her favor the last time she went on stage without permission. LOLO

Anonymous said...

She’s right. Megan’s new album was so unbearable to listen to for someone with her talent and life experiences. Like sheesh sis, give me some other topics other than you running game on men and selling your p**sy smh. I’m tired chile.

Anonymous said...

It may not affect you @4:16 but you're probably not an impressionable teen who this message is designed for. And when that young Black girl seeks attention of men or thinks her body is the only value she brings to the table that's a problem. It's a bigger problem if she gets knocked up by a deadbeat who only used her for her body. It affects us all because the cycle continues and the statistics remains. We can and should do better, especially for the young girl coming up behind us.

Lynny said...

And she’s 1000% RIGHT!!!

Anonymous said...

I Expressed the Same Sentiment on the Shannon Sharpe page, but U Know Who Deleted It. Leviticus 19:29
“Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.” Oh How I Love the WORD!

Anonymous said...

Remember when jermaine Dupree said this and everyone was mad? 😂 now ample of voices are speaking up against it now I see because the sh*t is out of control.

Anonymous said...

@6:35 That's up to that impressionable young teens parents to teach her better PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

Biggie wrote for Kim and Hov wrote for Foxy. Who do you think is writing whore rap for the current generation? MEN.

Anonymous said...

@9:33 umm, and how about the teens who literally are out in this world with no one to guide them or look up to? How about the teens or kids who want to be famous and want to use someone else's story as a blueprint? As a singer myself, i had a great parenting household but regarding my dreams, i looked up to MJ and Whitney and wanted to live my dreams out the same way they did. So yeah, you make no sense and are living in one dimension clearly.

Anonymous said...

@1:00 Yall love to say its men writing for these women lol! Do you even have receipts or proof Kim, Foxy, Nicki, and Meg didnt/don't write their own raps? Ill wait...

Anonymous said...

Now that a black woman has said it maybe black women will listen our women were and always are presented in a bad light.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lil mama is correct

Anonymous said...

I didn’t and I don’t let my precious daughter watch no BET crap. Their intentions are clear on black women. There is a war going on and your children are dead smack in the middle of it.

Anonymous said...

The exploitation continues

Anonymous said...

Please stop embracing rubbish.

Anonymous said...

@6:45 am, That's on you for looking up to people you don't know , just because of what they do. You have no knowledge of their character etc. So again, it's up to the parents to inculcate principle, morals, self love, self respect etc.

Anonymous said...

@6:45 am! That's the problem everyone wants to be famous, and obviously there is a formula , especially for black women in the industry , whether you're singing or rapping to be as sexualized as possible. So instead of wanting to be famous which is so highly overrated and the status quo today, how about trying to be intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Some ppl don't have parents or good ones. It's up to society to instill a level of values and morals, we can't put it all on parents.

Anonymous said...

In all you're days on earth, you're waiting for society to instill morals and values to children they could care less about, how ignorant!

Anonymous said...

She's correct but if she was asked to perform ( which they would never) and shake her little narrow behind, she has, she would have. She is a one hit wonder with no other prospects of making a living in the music industry. What does she do for money?

Anonymous said...

I think her point is not that they shouldn't perform. It's that you shouldn't be a proud prostitute or encourage young girls to sell pu tang. Lol And music should be musical. Not a hoe show. And nothing wrong with a narrow booty. Not everyone wants to go under the knife just to boost their self esteem.

Anonymous said...

@8:38 @8:43 and @9:06

At the end of the day it takes a village to raise a child and even though that child may not be yours per se’, it is still your duty as a servant on this earth to help instill values into the next generation that is willing due to the fact that you already have that experience. Even as a celebrated person in media, it is their duty as well to know that they have a platform very much like teachers, coaches, and directors to guide and build the next group of humans up to a better place alongside parents. My mother used to always allow surrounding neighbors where I lived discipline me when I was young much to my dismay and I asked my mom why she allowed it one day and she advised to me that “I can’t be there all the time to see what you are doing behind my back and at the end of the day, I raised you better and others know that, so yes I will continue to let them discipline you when I’m not present just as long as they aren’t hurting you in the process.” And she was right and because of that mentality, it’s made me a better person and I take my position of influence in life seriously regardless of my connection to the next person behind me regardless if they want to be famous or not.

Anonymous said...

^ 1:44pm, Yo @$$ must have been too fast for your own good if folks outside your family had to scold you. Hard head makes a soft bottom granny used to say.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:44 You are speaking on days that no longer exist. Neighbors aren't disciplining other people's children, teachers are constantly sleeping with kids and barely want to teach due to the behaviors of kids today, and only a fool in this day and age is looking for society /media to raise their kids. You mean this society that's enforcing drag queens to teach and read to kindergarten kids, the same society that's teaching kids without parental knowledge that they can become another gender? What planet are you on? Conditions in society are at an all time low! These days are obviously not like the days you're speaking on, and you made you're response about you and specific situation. Parents as I initially stated are responsible for guiding their own children, no society.

Anonymous said...

@3:28 Clearly your opinion and views are unfounded and limited because the last time I checked, drag queens reading to and being around children and people changing genders were definitely things done in the past as well, umm…what rock did you live under sir/ma’am? Based off the ending to your response Alone, I have all the information i need about and I feel you need to say what you truly mean about current progression and admit that your are a lazy and unresearched individual with no real experiences of living and lack any leadership or improvement to provide to current times….simple *kanye shrug*

Anonymous said...

@ 4:31 You are truly delusional , I hope you don't have kids!

Anonymous said...

@4:31, you must be one of those...makes sense now!

Anonymous said...

This is days old but, I just wanted to say that, Salt N Pepa started a lot of this with songs like Push it and I’ll Take Your Man.

And to the commenter up top who said Jay wrote for Foxy and Biggie wrote for Kim. That’s true, just like Herbie wrote for Salt N Pepa.

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