Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lee Daniels Reflects on Friendship with Mo'Nique

Two years ago director Lee Daniels and actress Mo'Nique kissed and made up after Mo'Nique accused Lee, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey of blacklisting her in Hollywood [click here if you missed that].

Lee reflects on his and Mo'Nique's 25 year friendship...


Anonymous said...

Good for them. However Tyler ain’t worried about Mo no more. He found her look alike replacement.

Anonymous said...

Once someone trash talks me we can be cool but that's it for our friendship because real friends don't disrespect one another. Anything Mo had to say should've been directed at him privately if they were so close. She's a drama queen and a perpetual victim.

Anonymous said...

Mo is a better actress than a comedian, but it's her fault that she stepped all over her career.

Vernell said...

It Is Good That Lee Was Able To Drop The Hammer. He Chose To Repair The Damage & Move Forward... Oprah & Tyler Will Clutch The Negative Power Moves To Their Demise... SMH

Anonymous said...

Lee has shown growth but Mo has not. She talked to her child like a slave in a cotton field past his prime. She feels everyone owes her loyalty and assistance but she very treacherous. I wouldn't talk on a phone with her or anything because she can't be trusted. She never forgives. She's the type who wants you to bow and concede, not kiss and make up. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to them, but I refuse to support anything with her in it, moving forward.

Anonymous said...

They have a business deal. The end.

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