Monday, July 08, 2024

LeBron James Calls Playing Pro Basketball With His Son His Greatest Accomplishment

Last month LeBron James' son Bronny was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakes in the second round, making them the first father and son to play on the same professional basketball team [click here if you missed that].

LeBron calls the feat his biggest accomplishment yet...


Anonymous said...

Have they played together already? This so fake.

Shafrika Lights said...

Nepotism at its finest. Didn't the boy have a cardiac attack?

Anonymous said...

With his 4 Point Average something tells me this will not go the way they thought. Father and Son riding the bench together will be epic alright. In the words of Katt its up for all these ...

Anonymous said...

Narcissism at its finest. I hope Bronny truly wanted this and he is not just doing it to make his father happy, as it sounds.

Anonymous said...

And this is why Michael Jordan is the greatest NBA player of all times.

No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

I think Bronny's health should've been more important than intensive sports just to say you were the first father and son duo. Smh. He literally passed away and had to be revived a year ago. If I were mom this wouldn't be happening. Know when you are blessed enough

Anonymous said...

That's the thing about celebrities and fame. Everything isn't good enough and they always want more; more firsts, status, attention, awards, notoriety, etc. Bronny could've been the first Black man in his family with a Phd (and still could) but I guess LeBron's dreams are bigger and more important.

Anonymous said...

5 :46, I had this sinking feeling when Bronny was sitting and waiting on the rigged draft, oops I meant NBA draft, that he wasn't excited. I knew this wasn't his dream. Considering his heart stopped, I'd rather my baby enjoy some of my billions and to work gathering properties and running my foundation. Yes, the doctorate would've been better considering his health. Young people recover but sports and elbows are too much.

Anonymous said...

I know he was cleared by his doctor to play but everyone can see that LeBron wants this more than his son. Doctors have cleared many players that shouldn’t be on the court.

Anonymous said...

Who gon' tell 'em no?

Anonymous said...

After his health scare I wouldn’t want my child playing either but he has a good set up. He’s still young, if this doesn’t work out he still make his money and can go to college.

Anonymous said...

Thats amazing..

LOLOL said...

7:31 PM, That's all about the money and fame.
BJ may not have a chance for other opportunities if he has another one. Once you have a heart attack you will always be on health advisory alert for another one if you don't take heed to the warning signs.

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