Monday, July 08, 2024

Kimbella Blasts Julez Santana

Rapper Julez Santana called out by his estranged wife, Kimbella, for being an absentee dad...


R in NYC said...

Kimbella, the chick that proudly told Emily she slept with Fab. Does anyone really care about her baby daddy issues? Juelz is a whole druggie. His priorities are getting high.

No Chiraq said...

Chile U chose him

Anonymous said...

She repeatedly got knocked up by a 40-something drug addicted, criminal record having man-child who still rocks a bandana cocked to the side. What else did she expect?

Anonymous said...

But you kept having children by him. Sit yo silicon azz down

Anonymous said...

What on earth did she do to her face?! Those cheek implants look terrible on her. I used to think she was so pretty.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

She got over 8700 likes. People seem to know the struggle, apparently. Not like it’s not common.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Fab had no problem with laying hands on Emily and squirms when Diddy made a pass at him not protesting it, says a lot about him.
Who cares that Kimbella slept with him. Y’all act like Faboulous cares about Emily’s feelings. And it would have gotten out eventually that they had a history so in hindsight she was right to let her know. It was all about ratings so don’t act like you didn’t have your popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I mean she’s stating facts, but dude was already on his way out the rap game, and was an addict with missing teeth when she decided to bring not 1, not 2 but 3 kids into their mess. She has to accept some kind of fault too because he already showed his hand, and she still sat around and popped out babies.

Anonymous said...

The bed you made.

Anonymous said...

So she forgot about his kids before her. What did you expect was going happen to you. Girl bye.

LOLOL said...

If I remember correctly, (since this was so long ago) wasn't he supposed to help her with a rap career. Lawd and she got hooked on the penicillin "D" for STI's, kids and no rap career. That's a major fail.

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