Monday, July 22, 2024

Kim Burrell Apologizes to the LGBTQ Community

Back in 2017 gospel singer Kim Burrell faced huge backlash after her sermon against homosexuality went viral [click here if you missed that].

Seven years later Kim issues an apology...

Kim made the apology at the Stellar Awards over the weekend while accepting the Aretha Franklin Icon Award.


Lynny said...

This lady is so….😒 idk …church ppl this is someone yall gotta really pay attention to….

R in NYC said...

Girl bye! Stand by your words or shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

She said it. She didn't take it back. Beeyotch.

Anonymous said...

She’s been offensive to more than just the lgbtq folks

Anonymous said...

She was very nasty to a woman in church who isn't gay. Kim is phony.

FlyGemini said...

I see somebody done got ahold to that Ozempic.

Anonymous said...

who’s giving this hateful being awards???

LOLOL said...

FV( K U B*T( l-l

Anonymous said...

Everyone in your Choir is Gay. Skinny is not making you attractive when your ugly inside.

Anonymous said...

** Middle finger to Mr Burrell ***

Anonymous said...

Girl sit down. It took 7 years to come up with this

Anonymous said...

When the checks stop cashing. Episode 262...

Chelle said...

9:10 Ozempic forreal. She feeling herself now. What happened to those big glasses she wore. She is still mean spirited.

Anonymous said...

She even included some shade in her "apology." Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Dusty black female. I'm she has one of those husbands who beats her ass and cheats on her incessantly and her stupid ass will forever stand by her man. Girl, BYE! Your husband is probably down-low. You know how you chirch people do. Check you man, sir.

Anonymous said...

The church and religion have become a sad state of affairs. Follow Christ and not man. Heed His Words and worship Him, not man.

LOLOL said...

These Church ppl are just ppl. What I see is happening to them is the greed and notoriety. This affects many humans. They want bling, cars, money, designer clothes, etc...
They will get none of mine. I got shackles on my coins from supporting them. Ok Mary Mary LOLO

Anonymous said...

Now that homegirl is skin-ty, she's going to be meaner and more hateful in her message. She can choke on a whole one.

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