Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kelton Kessee's Parents Have Him Committed

Last week Immature/IMx boyband member, Jerome 'Romeo' Jones got put on blast for chronic cheating by his wife [click here if you missed that].

Now Immature/IMx boyband member, Kelton 'LDB' Kessee, has been committed to psychiatric care by his parents...


R in NYC said...

There was more than likely good cause to commit him. Something going wrong with this man. He should be grateful his parents cared enough to help him. Next!

Anonymous said...

That's horrible. I follow him on Insta and he always seems so pleasant and down to earth. Everybody talking about Dan Schneider, I wish they'd start talking more about Chris Stokes. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Anonymous said...

It's really hard to have someone committed. He must have shown some kind of signs.

LOLOL said...

Wow, I don't have much to say about this since I don't know the circumstances.
The Black Coons that want to vote for Dump need some psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

I don’t want to vote for Trump nor am I voting Democrat. Why? So they can send another billion dollars to Ukraine or somewhere else while we need that money and resources? You’re definitely smoking something!

Anonymous said...

11:40 is not bright… any maybe not Blk either

Anonymous said...

^^Why? Because 11:40 is a critical thinker? We need more than 2 parties.

Anonymous said...

Spiritual warfare is at an all time high! The devil will attack your mind and create scenarios that gaslight your own perception of reality.

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM. Exactly!! Some of these dummies are so brainwashed and think everyone else should be.

How in the world can you present millions of people with only two options and never expect them to see a different point of view, have questions or doubts, or consider there could possibly be alternative opinions? Wake up! There's a reason they won't allow Independents to gain any real traction in politics. It's pure insanity and the people who buy into the madness are purely insane.

Anonymous said...

Will this blogger delete the obvious right wing troll posts that have nothing to do with with this story 🤔? Perhaps the comments are directly from "Snitch" since there is a clear agenda on RWS. I already know my comment will be removed.

Anonymous said...

If you can't see a different point of view between Biden and Harris then your eyes are closed. All Democrats are not equal and a Black female Feminist offers really interesting options.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Considering that he’s married, something had to happen that was really off the wall for the parents to step in.

Anonymous said...

Poor man. Sometimes family could have nefarious
intentions. Who knows
All I know is family can be the worst enemies

Vernell said...

If there were No Apparent Issues, he would have been Released after 72 hours....

R in NYC said...

11:31 that part. If was held it was because he was showing signs of serious mental issues.

Anonymous said...

You can place yourself on a 51/50 temporary hold. For his parents to supersede his wife in getting him committed means he was having a mental breakdown and needed psychological supervision. Men who were raped as children do not respond in the same way that women do. That man is burdened. He has lost his mind. The gaslighting has taken over his reality.

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