Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kash Doll's Ex Downplays Break-Up

Over the weekend Detroit rapper Kash Doll announced she and her children's father, rapper Tracy T, were no longer a couple [click here if you missed that].

Tracy is completely unbothered...

After the news went viral Tracy went live on Instagram stories to let everyone know that he don't care.


Anonymous said...

If loser was a person. Kash Doll gurl pls don't spin the block on this one just cut your losses

Anonymous said...

I always thought of Kash Doll getting with a "boss"
Type of dude
I could see this guy as a in between guy
But never in a serious type of relationship
He seems too immature

Anonymous said...

ohhh he's bothered. Very.

Anonymous said...

He needs to get back in the gym. Weight isn’t cute on him. Then again some like the dough boy look. He is just more handsome w/o the weight.

No Chiraq said...

He's carrying her baby weight. I mean down to the pregnancy nose!

Anonymous said...

Sperm donor said what?

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