Monday, July 22, 2024

Kash Doll Announces Break Up

Last month Detroit rapper Kash Doll and her boyfriend Tracy T welcomed their second child in as many years [click here if you missed that]. 

Over the weekend Kash announced that she and Tracy are done...


Anonymous said...

Protect your peace.

Anonymous said...

She knew that she was getting rid of him. I know this play very well. She had her two kids, said she's done and BOUNCED. She made the money. She has the fame. She ahs her kids and is on her way... bye!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with that

R in NYC said...

Never a good idea to rush into things. She barely knew him. Nothing wrong with going slow and really getting to know someone before dropping kids. I don't know these people and don't know why they are blog worthy but carry on....

Anonymous said...

Peace is Priceless. With it you can accomplish much.

Anonymous said...

Bring back Strong Women! You got this Queen.

Anonymous said...

She won't have peace being a baby mama until someone wife her. No matter how much money she has, she lost the prize....a family relationship. Don't fake it to save face. She rushed in, like every other thirsty chick.

Anonymous said...

^ Do you really believe that? It's a lotta men that can't find peace w/o a wifey please don't twist it. You can't have a good family relationship with a toxic partner dude.

Anonymous said...

He was already a baby daddy. What made her think he was gonna do her differently? If eager women would date first and learn the toxicity before bedding them down , they would have learned that before a baby was made or two. It falls in line with the commandments we're supposed to follow.

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