Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris Vows to Earn Nomination

Yesterday incumbent Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris [click here if you missed that]. 

Kamala vows to earn the nomination ahead of the Democratic National Convention...



No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

I’m sure she’ll give it her best shot. Most people didn’t like Trump or Biden. So she may have a chance. I would love to see her debate Trump. We know he won’t do that.

Anonymous said...

Got my vote!

Anonymous said...

Yes she will have to earn it.

Anonymous said...

She has my vote for sure! Vote or Die! Trumps old crooked azz needs to step down!

Anonymous said...

She got mine too. I just wanna warm our community that there is about to be some wild bots trying to separate and angry us into believing that she isn’t qualified. We must stay the course and def take social media breaks cause this election is about to be exhausting!

Anonymous said...

I'm here for VP Harris but I'm voting Blue no matter who gets the nomination. We gotta get rid of Trump and Vance.

Anonymous said...

Black men will vote for Trump. Women of color(ambiguous ethnic backgrounds) will vote for Kamala. There’s a shift happening and deep divide with Black men and black women. Black women are now taking the side of white men.

Anonymous said...

Kamala for the win!!! She will do her 4 years in peace. However, she will not be able to win on her own in 2028. Good luck make the best of the next 4 years Kamala! Call Obama and ask him how to navigate the bs.

Anonymous said...

She has my vote now get ride of Clarence Thomas clean that bench by limiting the terms. Restore women's right to choose and toss in the garbage project 2025

R in NYC said...

Go get em girl! The debate will be priceless. Demented Donnie is inarticulate and can't compete. All he can do is hurl insults. She will destroy him.

Anonymous said...

@1026 and smart people will for vote whoever gets the Democratic nomination (that could be VP Harris, Govs Newsom or Whitmore, Sen. Manchin) because that's the only way we can beat Trump.

I hate Senator Manchin, but he'll get my vote if he rejoins the Democratic party and gets the nomination. It could happen.

Anonymous said...

LOL I can't believe people are still this sleep.
Democrats have played their voters to the max. The DNC will select your nominee and it won't be Kamala.

Anonymous said...

@10:26am. No worries. Obama or Michelle
Will right back in office right after Kamilla's
Things will get better for you all again

Anonymous said...

That's right ! Bcus say what you want
The Dems are very honest trustworthy
And Only want the best for ADOS
At least they always have our backs

Anonymous said...

These people just playing in our face at this point. Sending us up the creek without a paddle. If the goal is to beat Trump, Kamala is not the one to do it. Obama ain't even supporting this giggling fool.

Anonymous said...

Meant comment above comment
For 10:03 am

Anonymous said...

@11:52am, What are you talking about?
The Obama's got Kamalia's back

Fun fact : Did you know VP Kamala Harris "allegedly" used to date talk show host Montell Williams in 2001?

Anonymous said...

The woman that was asked if she will do anything for black people? She shrieked out, Nooooo! You will give her your vote?

LOLOL said...

I wouldn't do anything for Black ppl either and I'm Black. You sound ridiculous. If you did anything for Black ppl I would give you the side eye too.

Anonymous said...

Well that's a wrap. No one's voting for her and the Dems know it.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. The American people, as a whole, are not choosing the President. The states, as represented by their electors, are selecting them. The electoral college's only purpose is to elect the president and vice president.

Anonymous said...

12:17 So you like when they do for everything for LGBT, Asians, white men and women, giving non-citizens 1600, free apt, health care, carte blanche on police protecting migrants but nothing for you.

Anonymous said...

Just go out and vote for her, ask questions later. Except for Lil Wayne and Meek Mill, Black America can't survive Trump.

Anonymous said...

Go Kamala! She will have the best yt male vp with her and she will win!

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