Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris Raises $50 Million Overnight

Last night President Joe Biden announced he would not be seeking re election and endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris [click here if you missed that]. 

The Harris campaign is off to a strong start raising $50 million overnight...

Democrats are uniting behind Vice President Kamala Harris, after President Joe Biden’s surprise announcement Sunday that he would end his teetering re-election campaign.
Harris’ newly launched campaign said it has raised $49.6 million in grassroots donations in the less than one day.
The Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue processed $67 million in contributions on Sunday alone, according to an automated tracker.
And some major Democratic donors — among them heiress Abigail Disney — who previously paused their contributions out of concerns about Biden tell CNBC they’re ready to back Harris.
A political action committee that was supporting Biden’s campaign before he dropped out of the race for president has received $150 million in new commitments since his departure from the campaign and endorsement of Harris.
Future Forward, the super PAC, confirmed to NBC News that it has secured a staggering $150 million in new commitments from donors in just the past 24 hours.
This is from donors who were previously stalled, uncertain or uncommitted, per a senior aide at Future Forward, according to NBC News.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don’t know if she will be our next president but she has my vote and support.

Anonymous said...

Trump is awfully quiet. I know this is his biggest nightmare (losing against a Black woman) but that wouldn't shut him down. His team must have put a muzzle on him for now.

Anonymous said...

So, when will we see a debate between the prosecutor and the felon? Set a date!

Anonymous said...


A Day To Remember said...


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