Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris Drops First Campaign Ad Featuring Music by Beyoncé

This week Beyoncé granted Vice President Kamala Harris permission to use her music for her 2024 presidential campaign [click here if you missed that].

Today Harris dropped her first campaign ad featuring the song "Freedom..."


Anonymous said...

We are not going back! ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼

LOLOL said...

I want for her to hit harder at this Musk Rat Dump.

Anonymous said...

Back to joe biden policies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wish November was next month

Anonymous said...

Looks like Trump is avoiding a debate in September. Those fools don’t know what to do since they don’t have Biden to kick around anymore.

Vote Blue.

Anonymous said...

I'll be on the sidelines.

Jcee said...

Beyoncé music I guess she dusted off her chucks and pearls too

Anonymous said...

This feels like a scam. I hope.she wins. But if they really were gonna let her in, she should've been the candidate from the beginning......

Anonymous said...

@231. Most Presidents, especially previous VPs, get two shots at the presidency and Biden wanted both opportunities. He refused to go down without a fight. I don’t blame him.

Truth be told, Biden should have ran in 2016 (and 2020), but the DNC and Obama made a deal with Hillary Clinton and supported her run in 2016. Biden hated that, but he knew the deal was made and it was nothing he could do about it.

Hillary lost to Trump and Biden felt victorious because he knew he could beat Trump, as he did in 2020, but now he’s old, useless as POTUS, and the Democrats were ready to drag his azz out of the White House if they had to. I don’t blame them.

In all of this, Biden has behaved like a man. No whining, blaming, bullying …. None of that Trump b/s. Biden knows it’s over and has bowed out gracefully … giving Kamala his full support, as he should. I’m glad I voted for him.

I don’t think it’s a scam.

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